-Chapter Twelve-

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--Y/N's POV-- 

I ran across those tiled roofs like a mad man, my feet slamming into the tiles as I jumped off buildings and ran. My legs felt numb, I was just running for what felt like an eternity as I saw Jean run up ahead, we were right there. I saw him shoot his hooks at the building and flew into the air, he was intending on smashing right through the window. I decided to follow that commander in training. I shot two hooks into a close tower and zipped up into the air, the wind instantly pushed my face back as I began to drop towards the windows, I braced for impact, almost warping myself into the foetal position as I crashed through the window with everyone else, glass shattered as I slammed and rolled across the floor and panted. Breath escaping my lungs as I slowly pushed myself off the ground, my legs ached as I stumbled to a close desk. I saw Jean looking over at me, his eyes were wide open. He slowly raised a finger.

"Oi Y/N. Behind you..." He spoke, his voice was shaky as his eyes slowly began to relax as I turned around, and pushed myself off the desk. Underneath where two cadets, suppliers. Cuddled up safely under a desk. I felt a deep rage but sorrow as I clenched my swords. Jean, however seemed to be more considerate as he looked at the two. 
"Are you suppliers?" He asked as he slowly walked to them, the male of the two nodded as Jean pulled him out. He then grabbed the male by his collar and slammed his fist into his jaw, I could see some blood come out of his mouth. I now stood corrected as I jumped in between the two as the female scurried out to help her friend as Marco instantly pulled Jean back whilst he began to scream. 

"YOU SONS OF BITCHES! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE OUT THERE HELPING US!" Jean screamed, his eyes beaming with hatred at the two suppliers. His entire aura gave off a unhealthy amount of rage as he struggled against Marco's grasp. It was a battle of strength between those two, one trying to control and the other trying to break free. I quickly crouched down beside the injured man who simply shuddered at my presence, he probably thought that I was going to injure him as well. Suddenly I was pushed away, my ass hit the floor but it wasn't painful. The girl had pushed me away, she was acting a shield for her friend.

"We were surrounded! There was no way for us to get out!" She cried, the entire ordeal just seemed chaotic. Tears began to stream down her face whilst Jean still struggled for his freedom from Marco. His eyes gave off the energy that his stare would kill the two. 

"I DON'T CARE! YOU FIND A WAY OUT AND GET BACK TO US! THAT'S YOUR JOB!" Jean roared as he tried to push towards the two. I felt the same way as he did but I was able to keep my emotions in check, I wished that Jean could too but that was something we had to live whilst growing up at the 104th training camp. I looked through the drawers and pulled out a small tissue, handing it over to the man, who weakly and sheepishly accepted it, dabbing his nose to stop the bleeding. I pushed myself off the floor and groaned as I walked over to try and comfort Jean or at least calm him down from this unbridled rage. The one and only thing funny about this was that he reminded me of Eren, this hot headed teen who no one could keep a leash on him even if the world was to be crushed by the colossal titan.  

VABOOM, the wall suddenly exploded, my eyes quickly darting to whatever just happened, a poor kid was threw into the air, only to crash and roll across the floor like a ragdoll. I wanted to rush to the kid but as soon as I tried to, that's when the screams, like the screams back in Shingashina erupt. 

"RUN!" Someone screamed as a stampede of soldiers ran towards me, shoulders and bodies slammed into me as I was knocked off balance and fell against the desks that practically created a bottleneck. My spine ached as I felt the wood bend my back. "GET DEEPER INTO THE HEADQUARTERS!" another ordered as I pushed myself over the back of the desk, falling onto the ground as I rushed forward, attempting to find the guy that was thrown away. My eyes scanning the room until I wished I didn't look around. Standing in the gaping hole in the wall, two titans, smiles ripped up on their faces as I stared. 

Why? Why couldn't I move? This wasn't it was it? This is what true fear looks like? A face that resembles any other person? A human face is what terrified me most? I couldn't place a finger on it. My hands trembled as I had to face these monsters down, I went to rip my blades from their holsters until I saw a gigantic fist, the same of a titans slam into the face. The entire scene seemed to slow down. Their faces began to squish and I could see every detail of the impact, the cheeks being spread, the eye slowly closing. The faces of the two titans mashing together. It all seemed so surreal as time began to speed up, the two titans flew away from my vision. Replacing them was more angry and furious looking titan. His eyes seemed to be fixated onto the two titans that he just blasted away with a single punch, that was until he quickly flicked to me and I felt myself freeze for a bit. What was it doing? Was it attacking other titans?

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