4 - The Web-Slinger

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"You're shouting so it's gotta be good." May smiled up from her pot of noodles.

"OOOHHH ITS GOOD ALRIGHT! I was on that field trip to Stark Tower and I solved this equation on a whiteboard and apparently TONY FLIPPING STARK was called down to do that equation so he was like super impressed then made our class do this test and apparently it was supposed to be really hard but it was pretty easy for me so when we turned them in and when Mr. Stark announced that I, ME, had the highest score FLASH TRIED TO PRETEND TO BE ME but Tony RECOGNIZED ME and called him out and Flash got BANNED FROM THE TOWER and so did the teacher BUT LONG STORY SHORT I GOT A PERSONAL INTERNSHIP WITH TONY STARK!!!!!!!!"

May was confused to say the least throughout the whole ramble but she caught the last part and her eyes widened. "What! Good for you Peter!"

"I KNOW ITS SO COOL! I got to work in his lab with him and the Iron Man suits were around..." Peter went on and on throughout dinner. Afterwards he helped clean up and then headed to his room where he did his homework.

After the homework, he grabbed something different from his bag. A red and blue spandex suit.

Oh yeah. Peter is Spider-Man.


Pulling on his mask, he came to a realization. Though he already loved the Stark Internship, he'd have way less time for his web-slinging endeavors. He frowned a bit under the mask as he climbed out the window. Hopefully the patrol would be slow and he'd have more time to think it over.


The weekend had been lovely, other than a small poke with a knife Saturday night. When he got to school Monday, Ned greeted him in his usual handshake fashion before starting to fuss about the bandage poking out the bottom of Peter's shirt.

"I'm fine Ned. Stop worrying, it's already half healed."

"Are you sure? Do you want me to bail you out of gym again?" He worriedly asked.

Peter smiled at the thoughtfulness but shook his head. Ned gave a nervous smile and they started walking into the school.


Monday's internship hours went by smoothly. His patrol Tuesday morning before school however was a bit more interesting.

Spider-Man was in the middle of an armed  robbery. Just a normal extracurricular activity he had. He webbed up to the high bank ceiling and yelled down at the robbers in bunny masks.

"Hey guys can we speed this up I have calculus homework to finish."

One of the men sneered up at the spider, though the Pete couldn't quite tell with the cute bunny mask smiling at him. "Oh shut up kid." He raised his gun up and shot.

Peter attempted to maneuver away from the path of the bullet. Unfortunately he had backed himself into a corner.

"Oh that's a bullet." Pete said, looking down at his shoulder.

He webbed the gun that just shot him to the floor, effectively sticking the man holding to the ground. The teammate of the man Pete just stuck to the floor dropped his gun and held his hands up, probably feeling a bit of guilt for shooting someone who just said they had homework. Spidey webbed his gun to the floor where it was just dropped and then the man's hands together. Peter swung out of the building, leaving the two bunny robbers for the cops probably just waking up.

Swinging over the city, Pete's adrenaline wore off and he became painstakingly aware of the hole straight through his shoulder. He hopped down into the alley next to Midtown and stripped off his spandex, flinching at the movement. He shoved the costume in his bag, wondering if his calc teacher will take her math textbook back with blood stains in it.

Carefully and quickly, he stitched up the wound and wrapped it in bandages. Hopefully those didn't stick out of his tee again. That was a fun talk from his history teacher.


After being shot in the shoulder before it, school went better than expected. He did start bleeding out in chem but that's a story for a different time.

A large SUV pulled into the parent pick up line. Stark Industries sparkled in silver on the side of the car.

Lets go to work.

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