Mini chapter: Tarrey Town

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(300 reads! Thank you for sticking around this long!)

Link got out of bed and put on his Champion's tunic and Hylian trousers. He had arrived at a nearby stable and rested there the night before. Now that he was awake, he was ready to do a few things while he was in the region.

"Thoughts: Alright, first things first, I'm gonna need to find some more shrines. Then, maybe if I have time, I'll go see if I can find Hudson."

As he left the stable, he spotted a shrine out in the distance. It was standing on top of a tall natural rock pillar sticking up into the air. Link marked the location with his Sheikah Slate and looked at his map. It was above a lake in the shape of the skull. The rock was where the left eye was meant to be.

He climbed onto Epona's back.

"Giddyup." he ordered the horse as they rode to the area.

They rode to the edge of the cliff right beside the lake. From the looks of things, climbing up from the lake to the top would not be possible. The cliff however was quite high above the lake.

"If I can glide over, I may have enough stamina to climb up to the top." he thought to himself.

He jumped off the side of the cliff and paraglided to the rock. As soon as he was close enough, he folded his glider away and grabbed on to the rocks. He began to climb up.

"Thoughts: Come on... Easy does it..."

He chugged a stamina potion down before continuing to climb up. Soon enough, he had reached the top.

"Phew..." he breathed out. After a few seconds of respite, he entered the shrine. To his surprise, there was nothing but a straight path to the monk as well as a chest.

"To you who has entered this shrine, I am Zuna Kai. By entering this shrine, you have already proven your worth."

"Wait what?" Link thought in his head, "That's it? I just needed to climb to the top? I mean, okay... I'm not gonna complain about that."

He opened the chest, taking out from it a large fiery blade.

"Thoughts: Whoa! What is this thing?"

Using his Sheikah Slate, he identified it as a Great Flameblade, a large blade meant to preserve the power of fire within it and unleash it when swung.

"Thoughts: This will do nicely." he thought to himself.

He headed over to the monk, got the spirit orb, and then left. As he he was about to paraglide away, he spotted something down by the lake. On the right eye of the skull, a small island in the lake, was some sort of purple shape. Curious, Link glided down to check it out.

He found it to be some strange looking stand, with someone behind the counter looking around his belongings.

"Ahem." Link said, clearing his throat.

"Hmm?" The person turned around. "AHH!!" He was short, had grey skin, bald, a short white moustache under his nose, and wore some weird looking monster costume that looked like he had made it himself, as if he were attending some sort of party. His head was surprisingly big compared to the rest of him.

 His head was surprisingly big compared to the rest of him

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