Chapter 7

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As we reach the center of the encampment, I can feel the tension radiating off the people who have already gathered there. It's clear that Jared has been blabbing about what Jason did, and I am not sure if that was the best thing he could have done if he really cared about our safety.

Though I understand that he is hurt and worried about his friend, getting everyone anxious and on edge isn't doing us any favors. Having angry humans around will only make things worse for us in the long run.

What I dislike even more are the dirty looks that everyone is giving Nathan. It's as if it was his fault that our leader decided to risk saving him. It makes me want to shout in their faces and force them to stop staring.

"Let's go over there," Nathan says, spotting his parents at the farthest part of the gathering.

The poor people seem as if they are trying to stop existing, to hide from the prying eyes of what can only be described as an angry mob.

"Nathan, there you are," his mother says, relieved.

He hurries to his parents, hugging them both tightly. It makes me wish I had someone to turn to when I felt sad or hurt, which was most of the time in this new world.

"You know, son, we are not that old after all. We can walk," Nathan's father says, thinking that the others resented them for being able to get a ride when others couldn't.

"It's not about that, dad. It turns out that Jason sacrificed some of his own people to save us," Nathan says as I stand there awkwardly.

I know I should give them some privacy, but I seem to constantly gravitate towards Nathan. Probably because he is the only one who has given me any encouragement so far.

I mean, Jessica is kind enough. However, she never goes out of her way to help me feel better, to praise me for anything. Sometimes it feels like she sees me as a mere acquaintance and doesn't want to get involved more than that.

"Why would he do that?" Nathan's father asks.

"I am not sure. I didn't even know Jason planned our rescue or that he even knew about me. I thought it was just a coincidence," Nathan says.

"Ahem," Nathan's mother clears her throat, looking in my direction.

"Oh, right, sorry," Nathan says, smiling sheepishly.

"Mom, Dad, you remember Marissa?" Nathan says.

"Of course. It's nice to see you again," Marge says.

"It's nice to see you, too Mrs...," I say.

"Oh, Marge is fine," she says kindly.

"I hope we haven't caused too much trouble here, my dear. We never meant to cause any arguments," Marge says.

"This is not your fault at all, and I am sure the others will realize that soon enough," I say, smiling kindly at the nice woman.

She reminds me so much of my own mother, and I can't help but wonder if she made it. Would I ever see her gentle smile again?

"Son, what's that we hear about going through an infested city. That would be suicide, wouldn't it?" Eric asks.

"As far as I understand, that's the idea. However, though I don't like the guy, I think Jason has a plan. I don't think he would just barge in without thinking. He strikes me like a guy who thing everything through carefully," Nathan says.

"That's true. Jason might not be the most sensitive guy, and he has made some questionable decisions in the past. Still, he is the only thing that has kept us alive so far. His planning and quick thinking have brought us this far, so I have to believe that he will get us through this as well," I say.

"I hope you are right since from where I am standing, it sounds like a suicide mission," Eric says.

Before I can add anything to assure Eric though even I am not sure, Jason himself comes out of his tent and stands in front of the gathered crowd.

"Alright, everyone, settle down," Jason says.

Seconds later, the nervous chatter subsides since they might be angry with him, but no one would ever dare disrespect him. Not with that powerful energy that he spreads around him wherever he goes.

"I know you've heard a few things you didn't like and that you are angry with me. However, I can assure you that I took only the necessary risks where benefits far outweighed the risks.

"People have indeed died, but I believe that my decision has ensured for many more people to live," Jason says.

"That doesn't justify feeding some of our own people to the zombies!" Someone yelled from the crowd.

"No, it does not. However, all of the fighters have agreed to follow my orders, and they were well aware of the risks," Jason says.

"But not all of the risks," the same voice says.

"I thought it was better not to mention that we were in the middle of the zombies' migration patterns. I thought people would panic and fail to do what needed to be done," Jason says.

"Why did we need to save that guy?" Another voice asks.

When I heard the contempt in that voice, I move closer to Nathan as if my mere proximity could shelter him from hatred pouring towards him, one person who didn't deserve it.

"I've read about Nathan in the papers. Not only was he the best shooter in his unit, but he has also received a bunch of recommendations. Even once he got out of the army, his reputation didn't stop being any less impressive. When I learned his location from one of the nomads, I knew that we had to have him. We were lucky we got there on time," Jason says.

The intensity of the glares people were throwing Nathan's way reduced, and all I can sense is a mixture of confusion, admiration, and fear.

"Now, that we've cleared that up. Let's talk about the issue at hand," Jason says, immediately catching everyone's attention.

"I have sent scouts ahead to check the route that we were supposed to take, and they've come back with bad news. The road is blocked, and even climbing over the fallen trees would take ages. Also, we might become sitting ducks to the northern migration that will reach that sector in a few weeks," Jason says.

"Then why don't we take a different route, go through woods or something. Anything is better than serving ourselves on the golden plate to the zombies," Jared says.

"I have considered that, but there are many unknowns along the way. We aren't familiar with the predators or how to protect ourselves from them, nor do we fully know the terrain.

"The cities are all similar, and we have all learned all that can be learned about the zombies. It would be easier for us to deal with them than an unknown threat," Jason says.

"How there must be thousands of them in any given city?" Jared asks.

"Well, I was thinking about taking the emergency route," Jason says.

"How do you know Forbuy's emergency route?" Nathan asks, intrigued.

"Jack, over there, was born in Forbuy and spent most of his life there," Jason says, pointing at Jack who was always stoic and disinterested in events happening around him.

"How do you know those routes won't be jammed? Wouldn't most people have taken them when the outbreak first started and then got stuck or turned on the way out of the city?" Nathan asks.

"I'll let Jack explain," Jason says, beckoning the big guy to take his place before the gathered crowd.

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