Chapter 25

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I sit in the corner of my room, bandaging my new cut. I figured out how to get Sawbones to leave me alone. All I have to do is annoy him long enough, and he leaves. The only bad thing about this is he gets violent when annoyed, resulting in the many bruises and cuts covering me. I found some clean rags in the cupboard, and have been making do with them as bandages. There is hardly anything decent here, I don't understand how Sawbones can live here. The light is dim and orange, like the glow of fire. It is dusty and dirty, with smoke and ash coming in from every crevice. I cough, my lungs longing for the clean air of Asgard.

"Have you decided to be reasonable today?" Sawbones says, opening the door and coming in.

"Dra åt helvete." I say, sitting up and glaring at him.

"Oh Claire, that is not very nice. I will have to teach you manners." He says, and I snort.

"You teach me manners? You are about as polite as a pig!" I say, and he stiffens. I smirk, knowing I have hit a nerve.

"That is enough." He says, his voice trembling in rage.

"Actually, a pig is probably more polite than you. At least they know when they are nearing their end." I stare into his eyes to really drive my words home, but he just chuckles.

"You are alone, with no one coming for you. You have been here 6 days and not one words have I heard from my spies about a rescue party. They have left you for dead, mortal girl, and he will never come. You should just let me kill you so that this is all over." He says, and I give him a smile. Standing up, I walk to him.

"I would sooner burn in fire for all eternity before betraying him. He will come for me, and when he does, you better run and hide." I stand in front of him, and lean towards his ear.

"Because when he does, he will stop at nothing to get to me, and I mean nothing. He will tear this place down rock by rock, and he will leave your carcass amongst the rubble for carrion to eat." I whisper, and he shoves me away from him.

"You are hidden here, this fortress has not been found for hundreds of years." He boasts, but I can see the fear in his eyes. I smirk, and he blasts me against the wall, hard.

"You are mine." He says, and leave the room with a swish of his cape. I sit up, and another coughing fit starts. A metallic taste fills my mouth, and I wipe my mouth. Looking down at my hand, I watch as blood runs down it. Pain stabs me in the side, and I can feel my lungs getting weaker.

"Hurry Loki." I whisper, and another fit of coughing wracks my body. I start to shiver, and cold seeps into my bones. Crawling to the fire, I curl up like a cat in front of it. I pull a blanket from the chair next to me and cover myself, trying to get warm. I hear the stomping of feet and the clang of metal grow closer and closer. No doubt more reinforcements for Sawbones. Harsh voices argue in a language I don't know, but I can recognize his.

"What are you doing here? You are supposed to be patrolling the border!" He shouts, and is answered by hisses.

"What do you mean I told you too? I haven't left the-skit!!" He swears, and I hear something crash.

"The rescue party has come, prepare yourselves! No one gets in or out without my permission!" He transports to my room, and I sit up.

"He is coming, and now you are running around like a scared rabbit." I say, smirking. Without a word, he walks over and picks me up.

"Well then, we can't have Loki dearest reaching you can we?" He says, and carries me out of the room and down several corridors.

"Put me down! Let go of me, you psycho!" I shout, weakly pounding against his back.

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