Chapter 19

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  • Dedicated to To you <3

Chapter 19~


I had awoken by falling of the bed. Yeah, leave it up to me, to randomly fall of my bed, causing me and Niall to wake up.

“Damn, I thought there was an earthquake” Niall says with a playful smirk on his lips.

I mumble some unpleasant words, and decide to get my lazy ass of the floor.

“How much longer do you think we are going to be trapped here?” I ask.

“Why, getting tired of me already?” Niall asks getting out of bed and following me to the kitchen. After a couple of seconds of rummaging through the cupboards, I managed to find some biscuits, and I decided to make tea to go along with it.

“Duh, Niall Horan, you are a handful” I mutter loud enough to make sure he had heard.

“Hey, hey, like you are an angel” Niall says grabbing my hips and turning me around.

I stare at him intensely for a moment our noses only inches away from touching, his breath warming my lips that were hovering near his.

“Who says I’m not” I reply just as bitterly, amused. I loved our little feisty arguments they made our friendship what it is.

“I think I just did” Niall states, with every remark, our faces coming closer until even a piece of paper couldn’t slide through the space between our faces.

“I can hit you where it hurts, Horan” I tell him raising my eyebrows. My eyes basically burn a whole through his skull, both of us daring the other to even move a muscle.

“You wouldn’t dare” He growls, our noses touching now. His eyes were focused on mines, not moving at all. Niall and I were as competitive as they got, and when you have two very competitive people in a room together, everything becomes a competition.

“Try me” Were the last words that flew out of my mouth until had picked me up and thrown me over his shoulder. I pound fiercely on his back.

“Niall Horan you put me down right now” I tell him as I feel his body vibrate with a chuckle.

“NIALL PUT ME DOWN!” I scream pinching, punching, and biting his back.

“OW!  Did you just bite me?” Niall asks.

“Yeah I did now put me down” I say violently shaking my legs.

“VALERIE YOU’RE ACTING LIKE A WORM, CALM DOWN!” Niall tells me grabbing my legs so I couldn’t flap them everywhere.

“Let me go!!” I whine.

“Or what?”

“Or-or- I’m going to huff, and I’m going to puff, and I’m going to blow your house down!” I tell him referring to mine and Niall’s favorite book when we were little, ‘Three Little Pigs’.

Niall immediately put me down onto the sofa, and sat right next to me.

“You remember that, don’t you?” Niall asks.

I smile and shake my head remembering the memories.


I was in class two, and it has only been 4 months since I’ve moved to Ireland. We had moved next to a wonderful family that had a son my age; his name was Niall. Niall and I grew very close and our mums were best friends. As I left all my friends back in London, where I was born, I didn’t really have many friends in Ireland except for Niall. We were inseparable, always together, Niall was my other half. Everything I did, he was with me, and we frequently had sleep over’s at each other’s houses. Right now, me and my mum were sleeping over at Niall’s house, and Niall’s mum was reading me and Niall a bed time story.

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