Chapter 11 - The Astronomy Tower

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{Y/N's POV}

I thanked Professor Slughorn for letting me borrow one of his books and promised to return it in perfect condition when I was done with it. I walked out the door and saw Tom. He was standing by the window, staring outside. His perfect figure seemed to glow under the moonlight. His gelled hair, perfectly covering part of his forehead. His sharp jawline and perfect facial features, for once looked relaxed. His perfection put me under a trance and I caught myself staring again.

"Y/N?" he said.

I snapped out of the trance. He caught me staring at him. Again.

"Come on," he said and grabbed my wrist.

"Wait- where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see."

I was scared. Does he know I was eavesdropping? Is he gonna- no. Stop overthinking! I thought to myself.

We came upon a staircase that went up. My white heels were killing me, but I didn't want to be a damsel in distress. I hated being a damsel. I don't always want to be depending on someone to save me.

Once we made it up the stairs, I gasped. There was a priceless view that stretched far across the land. The stars shimmered in the sky like diamonds in a basket. This was the best view that anyone could get at Hogwarts.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Tom asked.

I nodded my head. We sat down on the ground to admire the sky. It was silent for a while.

"Do you ever wonder if there's any other life out there?" I asked Tom.


I wasn't surprised by his answer.

"Do you?" Tom asked me.



I thought about it for a few moments before answering.

"Because there are so many mysteries we don't know about out there. So many things we haven't discovered. Perhaps we're just characters of God's library and there are more beings out of this world, waiting to be discovered."

Tom looked at me, surprised by my answer.

"I never thought about it that way."

Another long pause went by.

His sharp green eyes locked with mine. I quietly gulped as he leaned in closer. My mind told me to move away, but my heart betrayed it.

At last, his lips locked with mine. For some reason, I felt like the luckiest girl alive. I felt like the world was finally at peace and my questions were answered. He pulled my waist closer to him as his grip tightened against the back of my neck.

His tongue met mine and he breathed me in hungrily as he bit my lip and I winced before I could help myself.

He pulled away before I could protest.

Did Tom Marvolo Riddle just kiss me?! I scolded myself. And I kissed him back... I thought.

He suddenly stood up and walked to the stairs.


I looked at him. "Yes?"

"You look beautiful."

Then he left.


What's your favorite dessert? I don't really have one since I'm trying to cut down on the sugar stuff since my ancestors were diabetic and it's most likely genetic so, yeah. <3

Sincerely, tomriddleisswag



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