Little Brothers

514 23 3

Tw: none

It wouldn't be fair to say Tommy and I hit it off instantly, that was more of the case with Wilbur and I. He was jealous of my friendship with Will, although we always tried to include him. Eventually we became friends, then developed into family.

I don't know what I'd do without Tommy and Tubbo. I'm not old enough to be their mother figure, although I sometimes act like I am, so we consider ourselves as more of a trio of siblings. After all, I'm only 5 years older then Tommy and Tubbo. They are both 16. We spent as much time as we could together, especially before they went to battle. I patched up their wounds and comforted them.

Tonight we went to stargaze, like usual. The flower field and stargazing were 2 things I only did with the boys. Sure, if someone wanted to come along they could, but it wasn't the same as it would be with my 2 boys. They made me feel safe, warm, and for once, happy.

Tonight we made our way to the normal field we would lay in. It's a long stretch of bright green grass with little to no trees, about a mile outside the wall. Tommy went on and on about something random which I knew I wouldn't remember the next day. Still I tried to listen, but my thoughts were focused on Dream.

I can't believe he was right there this morning. Right in front of me. He practically mocked me, and I had no fucking idea. This made me incredibly frustrated.

"Blaze, are you alright?" Tommy asked suddenly. My brain quickly returned to the real world. My eyes widened when I heard my name.

"What? Yeah, fine. Just thinking." I excused myself, cheeks going red.

We entered the clearing, finding a place to lie on the grass. Stars slowly began to appear in the sky. I watched them, my hazel eyes shining with wonder. This is always my favorite part of the day. We laid next to one another in silence for a few minutes, Tommy in the middle, me on the right, Tubbo on the left. A few minutes turned into about half an hour. It was beginning to grow cold, making me shudder. I didn't mind it all too much, it was worth it to be out here with them.

"Tubbo's asleep." Tommy whispered to me. I nodded, smirking. "Are you okay? You've been acting weird lately." I let out a sigh.

"Some things from my past have just been coming up, but I've got it handled." A lie. I definitely don't have it handled.

"I see." Tommy said. "Well if it makes you feel better, I got stung by a bee today." I put my head up, looking at him with a frown.

"Why would that make me feel better?" He shrugged, so I laid back down. Then I chuckled. "Oh Tommy."

"What?" He asked in alarm. This made me laugh even harder.

"Nothing." After a few minutes, Tommy fell asleep too. He curled his body up against mine, his head pressed against my stomach. This made me smile.

These are the kinds of moments I value in life, ones where I feel truly loved and needed.


183 reads?? Let's go!

Also 2 votes, thank you all so much!

A short chapter of mostly fluff, it'll get more exciting soon.

Just had to do an Edpuzzle for homework, it took forever.

Thanks for reading, have a great day!

PS: None of the fanarts are mine, I find them off Google and Pinetrest. Creds to the artist!

Word count: 590

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