[ Chapter 21 ] || A Sports Festival Finale ||

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((A/n: I wouldn't call this a warning but the emotions are kinda everywhere in this chapter.))


Sorcerer Knowledge 101: The stronger the emotion the stronger the spell.



"Y/n!" Midoriya rushed to you even with his injured body, checking your eyes.

"What. are you doing?"

"Y-Y/n y-your eyes.. in the match they were a different color!" Uraraka answered for him.

"Ah... they were what?"


Third P.O.V
Location: Unknown.

"T-Todoroki is immobilized! Y/n advances to the final round!"

"So that's the power he wishes to control." A grin crept onto their features.

"I guess all she needed was just a little push, right?" Their grin widening into a sadistic smile.


Second Person P.O.V
Location: Sports Festival Stadium Musutafu, Japan.

"Your eyes were a whole different color!" Uraraka repeated.

"Well that's never happened before.." You uttered.

"I totally need to update your power scale in my book." Midoriya muttered.

"Anyways, follow me!" Midoriya somehow got ahold of your wrist and pulled you into a hallway, leaving the others confused at his gesture.

"What's the matter De-"

"Are you alright Y/n?" He interrupted letting go of you.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

He frowned and looked at his feet,"We heard- I heard about what would potentially happen if you lost- N-Not that I know any details! Only what I heard. It's just why wouldn't you tell someone else? So many pros are here and could help-"

"No I can't. What if notifying someone else causes the person to hurt people? All I have to do is win and all is fine." You reassured him...and yourself.

"Tokoyami gives up! Bakugo advances to the final round! With this the final match will be between Y/n and Bakugo!" Present Mics voice rang through the speakers.

"You know Kacchan isn't going to hold back, Y/n." Midoriya grabbed your hand.

"Yes I know." You gave him a smile masking the fear you had, not for yourself but for what people might endure because of your future fight.

"Though I'm not complaining but can you please let go of my hand.."

He stuttered and let go."S-Sorry!"

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