Chapter 17

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 Getting onto this. we are definitely gonna make it to the end. Love you guys:) 

All three of us lied on the cold floor, Alyx in between me and Charlotte.

"What was that for?" I mumbled in a small voice.

"I don't know. It doesn't happen usually. Really. It was unbelievable. Never seen that before." Charlotte replied.

"They know you are ére, Jasper. They know 'bout ya. You've got some different body. Ya know, a magical weapon to ém. They're gonna hurt you, boy, keep it slim, very, very slim. Ya've got chances like those in the slim air. Ya got that right, green-eyed?" the African man said. His husky British African accent frightened me and gave me Goosebumps from top to bottom. I hold his hands still. He closed his eyes, his shallow breathing giving motion to his thin naked chest. I nodded my head as his words settled into my brain. Charlotte got up and wore her belt again. Previewing her old self again. The unordinary silence swept across with the breeze. She played with fingers and then created fiction with them. I watched as her white hands moved with pain and delight at the same time. Her boots moved with ambush and extinguished the moment in the cold reality the horse alarmed me of her leaving and flew in the sky. I stood up and got Alyx to bed again. I scooted beside him and waited for slumber to seize me. It was a bad day.

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