2 minutes

797 41 10


-Third Person P.O.V-

Wheezy breaths falls through the air and Peter looks up at the sky for a moment before he comes back into reality.

"Kar- Karen. Call dad- please- call- call dad," he fumbles over his words, wanting desperately to remove his mask and breath more. 

Karen remains silent, instead the sound of the dial tone can be heard, and Peter tries to hold back the tears that are threatening to drop uselessly down his face and be absorbed by his mask. 

"Hey kid, how's it going," Tony's voice rings out through his head, and it's enough to make the tears finally fall. 

His dad- his dad sounds so, so happy, and a part of Peter doesn't want to ruin it. Doesn't want to tell his dad he's bleeding out on the top of a random building, doesn't want to tell his dad he was just sniped from God knows where. 

But he doesn't want to be alone

He doesn't want to die

"Petey, what's wrong?" Tony asks suddenly sounding very serious, hearing the small cries and the wheezing breaths that are being emitted from his son. 

"Dad, please- please help me," Peter whispers, his voice breaking slightly. 

Peter can vaguely hear a clutter as something is dropped, background voices asking what's wrong, and why his dad had done that, but he can hardly focus on that, only focusing on his breathing and the steady thrum of his heart. 

(Please God hurry, please, please, please. I can't- I can't, help me)

"Bud, what- what's wrong, I'm coming okay I- I promise I'm coming, I'll be there so soon," Tony rushes out, his suit already coiling around him and FRIDAY already relaying where he is. 

Peter tries hard to hold onto that hope, his dad's coming, he's- he's safe now. His dad- his dad is coming to him, helping- helping him. 

"Please hurry dad," Peter mumbles, his eyes slipping shut for a moment before they're open again. 

"Ten minutes buddy, that's all I need okay then I'll be there. Tell me- tell me what happened?" Tony asks, stuttering in fear and worry, part of him screams he needs to be quicker, but that's as fast as he can go, and it- it has to be enough. 

A shaky breath escapes his lips and his eyes clenched shut for a moment. 

"Sh- shot, twice. Arm 'nd leg, femoral, bracinal," Peter grunts, more tears falling down his face. 

Tony curses wildly in his head, both arteries that can make you bleed out in minutes. 

"Okay buddy, is- is Karen compressing the suit?" He asks, eyes drifting to the small clock that shows how much time is left till he gets there. 


Too long. 

A small hum comes from Peter as he gasps a little for breath for a moment. 

Tony was about to reply when Peter speaks, "m'love you dad, and the- and the others, please- please hurry." 

Tony can feel his heart break. Like someone has just pulled it out from his chest and stomped all over it on the floor before shredding it and letting it fly away in the wind. 

"I love you too buddy, so, so much okay, and I'll be there before you know it okay," Tony is quick to say, his mind screaming that this- that this could be the last- no. No, no, no, don't think that. 

"Love you," Peter mumbles before pulling the mask off his head, ending the call in the process. 

His face was sweaty and pale, his breaths were more like pants as he tried to gain more air. He wanted- he wanted to talk to his dad more, but he couldn't, he couldn't breath with it on. He just hoped his dad would hurry. 

(S'too late.)

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