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"Yoongi, there's something I've been meaning to bring up, but just couldn't find the right time," I said, looking over at him across the table from me. We were sitting in the kitchen, eating some fruit I'd cut up, talking about our days as we waited for everyone to arrive for rehearsal.

He paused, looking concerned, but smiled warmly, waiting to hear what I was going to say.

"Do you remember that one night where you were too intense, fucking me really hard, and I had to ask you to stop?" I asked.

He looked down, seeming a bit ashamed.

"I got out of hand that night. This is why we have a safe word now. I don't want you to ever feel as if you can't stop what is going on, or ask for someone to be more gentle with you," he explained, feeling remorseful, "This goes for the rest of our affairs with the rest of the guys. If they ever get too intense for you, you're still able to call the shots. No one is going to force you to do anything you don't want to do."

Yoongi paused, taking in a short breath

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Yoongi paused, taking in a short breath.

"Are you upset with me for being too rough with you that night?" he asked suddenly.

"No, I wouldn't say that. It was just surprising to me that you were so forceful. I wasn't used to that. I'm not upset with you though, no."

"Are you concerned that things are going to get out of hand with the other guys?"

"I suppose it's crossed my mind, but I do trust all of you... it isn't about that..."

"You think I'm going to take it too far."


Yoongi sighed, reaching over the table to take my hand in his, an expression of concern and empathy on his face.

"I don't want you to feel that way. Nor do I want you to fear things going too far. You may have given up control, but that doesn't mean you can't put a stop to anything you're not feeling right about. Remember, we have a safe word. You aren't going to upset anyone if you have to use it. You don't owe it to any of us to put up with anything you don't like. Do you understand?" he squeezed my hand, making deep eye contact with me, ensuring I was absorbing his sentiments.

"I do," I nodded, "I feel better just having talked about it. So, thank you. Thank you for listening. I feel kind of silly now because I know I should have more trust in you." I leaned forward, my opposite elbow resting on the table as I sat my chin in my hand.

"You don't have to feel that way. I know you trust me. You're just navigating new territory. This isn't something you've done. It's not something most people do," he chuckled, "Your feelings are natural. Talk them out, resolve them with me, and we can work through them together, okay?" he smiled, lifting my hand up to kiss it before getting up from the table to clear away our dishes.

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