Ch.29 Update

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Right now at the back of the cafe that Izuku and Neito have agreed to meet at there sit a group of people.

Shiggy    Overhaul     Dabi

Table with their drinks and food

Toga       Neito      Hari

^ That the sitting plan ^

" Where could Mama Izu be? " Ask Toga as she eats her strawberry cake.

" I don't know Toga but those Hero wannabes better have not hurt him... " Hiss Neito drinking his chocolate milkshake and of course with cream on top as well.

" If they did there will be a problem... " Said Dabi coldly with his ice coffee in his hand or what used to be ice coffee but now it is a cup of hot coffee.

" Why are we just sitting here I say we should just storm UA for hurting ZuZu! " Pout Hari no one get away with hurting he's ZuZu.

" I agree with Hari! " Said Tomura clawing at his neck. 100% not stressing out because of MamaIzu missing.

" All of you calm your mammary glands. I'm sure my angel just has something he needs to take care of before coming here " Overhaul said looking calm because you never plan a mass murder out loud.

" Mammary glands? " both Tomura and Toga ask with their head til to the side.

" What he means is calm your tits. " Dabi answer the two of them.

" How the fuck can you make saying calm your tits into something like that? " Ask Tomura.

" Have you lived with Mama Izu? " Hari asks and that shut any argument that he had down.

"I have to say Mama Izu is the only one that can get all of us to behave." Said Toga.

" And the only one that can turn nap time into something scary... " Said Hari having some PTSD from all the time Izuku put him to nap time.

" Don't forget about time out... " Tomura said having his own PTSD from the amount of time Izu put him on time out for being a man child.

" Hehe you two should be more behave~~ " Toga say with a big smile.

" Like you're the one to talk? Did you not get put in time out a few days ago because you try to cut Neito? " Dabi asked.

" Hey! He got to go on a mission with Izu! And I was not allowed! It's not fair!! " Toga pout cutely munching on her cake.

" Neito is Izuku bodyguard when he goes on a mission. It is his job to tag along Izuku to make sure he is safe." Overhaul said softly slowly opening up to that idea.

" Like he needs that? He singles handily beat all of us with nothing but a frying pan...mostlybecausewedontwanttogetoutofbedbutstillwhatisthatthingevenmadeoutoff???" Said Dabi.

" That frying pan is a cheat code on its own...a frying pan should not be that powerful! " Said Tomura.

Izuku Pov:

Oh no! I am so late! I hope Neito is not too worried...

Because I stay behind and talk to Nezu about what happened in class and getting Shinso number so we can message each other.

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