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My body slams against the ground, the soft mat harsh upon my body as I can feel my bruises from the day before only being prolonged on my body. Stumbling back up to my feet, I wipe the sweat away from my brows, shifting my gaze back to my father as he stands firm in his place. "You are moving too quickly because you fear the impact it brings." 

"It that not normal to fear the impact?" 

"Never let the appearance of the threat threaten you" he states, tossing the firm foam board in the air, the size resembling that of a dagger. "You hesitate because you focus on the 'what if,' and when you respond to that, I will win the battle." 

"I don't get it," I state, hesitantly moving closer. Just as my father flinches with the board in his hand, I duck, pulling my head behind my arms to protect myself, only to feel no blow. Glancing up, I look to see my father still in his planted position, crossing his arms. 

"You do not get it because you are failing to identify the problem. What are you afraid of?"

"That foam board hitting me," I respond, rolling my eyes as a smirk pulls at Terrance's lips. Flinching with the board in hand, I move back a step, only for no real blow to occur. 

He steps forward, our shoulders square, and he tosses the board up in the air and catches it. "You are reacting to a certain outcome before it happens. While this is not a bad thing, Leala, you hesitate too quickly, which leaves me time to still hit you before you can realize your mistake. This board is no the problem - the opponent - I am the problem. You are failing to identify the problem at hand."

"I cannot just train myself to not react."

"That is not what I am saying, Leala," he states, "I am saying you are not reacting to the real problem at hand. Watch me - forget about the distractions. If you look at me, you can still see my weapon, correct?" 

"Correct," I reply, focusing on my father as I can still see the blue foam board he holds in his hand. 

"So then focus on my movements, not the board." 

I watch as my father's arm comes swinging around, not flinching this time, and I dodge the board coming at me, stepping back quickly as my weight shifts from foot to foot. As I stop back to my father, I watch a small smile spread across his face. "Never let the appearance of the threat threaten you, Leala. Now, let's begin." 

By the end of the session, my body is dripping with sweat as I use my shirt to wipe the sweat from my face. As I lay on the mat, I watch my father go back inside the house, my chest rising and falling heavily as I focus on the pounding of my heart. My eyes focus on the blue sky with grey clouds, the spring breeze softly blowing across my skin, and I find myself closing my eyes and trying to relax. 

My mind begins to wander, thinking back to the events of these past three days. Aunt Taylor is still in town, the funeral happening later today. Brie is isolated in the pack house as she has sent multiple requests to speak with me. 

"Cedric, how many hours do I have still free?" I ask, peeling my eyes open as I can pick up the scent of my Beta coming towards me. Hearing I have the next six hours open, I roll over on the mat and push myself up to my feet. "Anything I need to be aware of."


"Besides Brie," I snap, looking up to those forest green eyes. Cedric purses his lips together, trying to hold back whatever he wants to tell me. 

Just as I pull my hoodie on, I am met with the frustrated face of my beta. "You need to hear her out." 

"She was working for River."

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