The festival

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Readers POV:

"Tubbo are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked.

"Positive, besides if all goes well then we can finally get rid of Dream." He replied.

"I don't know Tubbo, what if this goes absolutely wrong? Dream could kill some of us." I said.

"We'll be fine." Tubbo reassured me.

Even with Tubbo's reassurance, I still had a gut feeling that something was going to go horribly wrong.

-That night-

So far the festival was going great. But it all went down hill when we saw Dream. Dream was wearing full netherite armor and was building a wall of obsidian.

"Dream what are you doing!?" Tubbo asked.

"Tommy broke the rules AND he blew up the community house." Dream said.

I stood there in shock.

"Tommy wouldn't blow it up!!" I said, defending my brother.

"Besides how do we know that someone else did it!?" I added.

"I saw him do it." Dream said.

"Alright then, take us too the community house." I said.

To my surprise he did. What added to my surprise was the fact that the community house was in blown up and there was water everywhere. Tubbo, Dream and I entered the remains of the community house and stood on what was left of the floor.

"Tubbo your only option at this point is to give me the disc."


"Give me the disc or I finish those walls." Dream threatened, cutting off Tubbo.

Tubbo sighed and pulled out a disc. My eyes widened.

"WHAT THE HELL TUBBO!?" Came a voice. It was Tommy.

I looked around the destroyed community house to find him. Then a set of armor appeared in front of Tubbo.


Another set of armor appeared next to me. Techno.

I gave him a quick nod. He returned it.

Sometime during my greeting with Techno, Tommy and Tubbo started an argument. I tuned in right at the climax of the argument.


We all fell silent. Tommy's eyes widened when he realized what he had said.

"Come on Tommy, we can leave now I can distract them while you leave." Techno said, pulling out his sword.

Tommy didn't say anything.

"Give him the disc Tubbo." Tommy said.


"Give Dream the disc."

Tubbo proceeded to give Dream the disc who put it in his enderchest.

"Tommy you realized that you made it like ten times harder to get your discs back right?" Techno said. 

At this point in time the invis potions on both Tommy and Techno have worn off.

Dream started laughing.

"What the fuck are you laughing at bitch?" Tommy said.

"You just gave me the one thing I needed to destroy L'manburg!!" He laughed.

He then turned to Techno.

"Do you have any withers?" He asked Techno.

Techno's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Are you asking what I think your asking?"

"I am."

"Are you calling in that favor?" Techno asked.

"No, but I am asking for your help."

Dream turned to the rest of us.

"At 3 PM Tomorrow we will attack and destroy L'manburg." Dream said before enderpearling away, leaving Techno to fend for himself.

Techno looked at me for help knowing that he most likely couldn't take on the entirety of L'manburg.

I gave him a grim look and walked over to stand beside Tommy and Tubbo, signaling that I wouldn't be helping him with this one.

He looked at me with a sad look, threw an enderpierl toward the nether portal, and dove into the water.

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