three >>> Why Do I Fight?

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I fought for you.
I kept fighting for you but all you did
was turn my heart black and blue.
And now I'm feeling
my whole world flip upside down...
But at least you're smiling.
At least you're happy while I'm slowly dying.

And I know you've been talking about me behind my back.
You've been driving the knife
right inside my chest
making it harder and harder to search for air
to get my lungs full once again.

But you make it no secret
that you've moved on.
Everyone always does, leaving me with only
the clothes I have on my back.
And maybe I deserve it...
Maybe I deserve the pain
I've been absorbing.

But I hope you never go through what I have
I wouldn't wish this upon anybody, but you act as if I chose this.
That I chose to get wrapped up in things
I shouldn't of.
At least you all have each other.
At least you all got rid of me now.
I know it was to come sooner or later...

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