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As ever north he walks upon a path

that twists and turns—the winding road he knows

and's grown to hate for what's around its each

and ev'ry corner—still he takes his next

of steps, continuing to march in spite,

to see for sake of curiosity

at least by now, what sort of tragedy

awaits around the bend before his gait.

The Sky above is overcast and grey,

enveloping the Earth beneath in shade                10

and threat'ning rain with booming thunderclaps

as clouds each other pass and do complain

like limestone pull'd to grind on cobble roads

behind the ankles shackled with their weight.

He hathn't slept. There hathn't been a need.

He hathn't chang'd his clothes, his bloody sleeves.

He isn't sure which personality

is in control; which one decided leave

the farm t'escape responsibility.

He thinks of nothing, thinks of ev'rything;                20

remembers all whilst naught's in memory;

recalls the years of walking hath he seen

as if from someone else he's stolen these.

He dothn't have a name; he's only He.

Our tragic hero born of fire's tune,

his broken vows beneath the sun and moon

that two years past he made whilst did he weep

upon the ashes at his Maiden's feet.

He swore to bring her memory to rest;

he'd find her paradise he thought was best                30

that she could sleep upon forever hence

with him to watch and guard in her defence

he couldn't give in life so stol'n from her,

and still he couldn't give, he now is sure.

Our tragic villain torn by fire's wrath,

the promise to his Spouse an ended path

just yesternight he had to leave behind

to seek his death—the only good he'll find

remains within a planet so abound

with evil in his heart and all around.                40

If th'winding road should hold this answer still,

it's th'only one he wishes yet fulfill'd,

so here he whispers prayers of dying words

to end his suffering; to end his hurt.

Our tragic Prophet borne by fire's tide;

his only ally Luna left his side

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