Chapter 23

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Serena didn't even bother changing as she attacked the punching bag still dressed in her gear.

"It had to be her!" she yelled as she threw all the strength she had into her punches and kicks. "She tries to steal Alec from me and now, she's trying to steal the Institute from us. When can she learn to get her own!?"

"I'm not happy to see her either," Izzy said as she stood nearby, watching her sister work off some steam. "And I know Alec isn't. How'd you know it was her anyways?"

"Being friends with warlocks comes with some perks. I can see through some strong glamours, not all but most. And our dislike of her won't stop her from trying to take what's mine," Serena panted.

"She's still jealous of you? Why?" Izzy asked.

"Beats me. I think she's still bitter that Alec never once returned her advances and went after me instead. I was so glad when her family transferred her."

"Think she's still after Alec?"

The punching bag was torn from its hooks on the ceiling as Serena's bare fist flew into it, letting it clatter onto the ground.

She turned to her parabatai as she activated her iratze to heal her bleeding knuckles. "If she is, then she can take the place of my punching bag."

Her phone then buzzed in Izzy's hand.

"It's Luke," she said looking at the screen before tossing it to her.

Serena tapped the screen a few times before her eyes widened.

"What is it?"

Serena broke into a jog towards the control room after she said, "Forsaken attacked the wolves," and Izzy was running after her.


After showing what Luke had sent her to Maryse, Alec and Lydia, Lydia had insisted that she go to the Jade Wolf to investigate. She tried to bring Alec along with her, but both Serena and Alec barged their way to the Wolf.

Serena was the head of Downworlder relations, not to mention friends with many of them, her insight would be invaluable in a case like this. That and Luke had called her, not Lydia, so Luke was going to get her.

And Alec had refused to let his wife go alone, still somewhat scared for her after almost losing her twice, once in the very location they were heading to.

"It has some characteristics of a Forsaken. It was human. It was runed," Lydia observed as she, Serena and Luke bent down around one of the killed Forsaken.

"I don't know. It was more determined, focused. It acted as if it had a plan," Luke said. "Plus, a normal Forsaken wouldn't have been so hard to kill," Luke pointed out as he stood, rubbing the bandage on his hand. "It took five wolves to take it down. Never seen anything like it."

"This blood, it isn't Forsaken," Serena said as she held up her finger, a black liquid smeared on it, a slight green hue to it. "It's not wolf either."

"We'll take the body back to the Institute. Do a full autopsy," Lydia announced as she stood.

"Whoa, I get that I called you...actually, I called Serena, the Envoy to the Downworld. But I didn't call for someone to come down here and take over," Luke protested.

"That is her thing," Alec piped up as he dug through some of the rubble and Serena couldn't help but smile a little as she intervened and stopped Lydia from speaking.

"Luke, we're all on the same side, right? As much as I hate to admit it. And we all want to find out what that thing is. I'm going to do the autopsy myself and I'll send over a report and anything I find. Sound ok?"

"Alright," the alpha wolf relented as Alec picked up the hand of the Forsaken and examined it.

"Think this was Valentine?" he asked.

"No question. It was definitely his work," Luke answered.

"What was he after?" Serena questioned.

"Honestly? Me."

Serena's eyes widened.

"So, you think Valentine's going after ex-Circle members?" Lydia asked.

"I don't know. It might be kind of personal. We have a complicated past. But I'm sure he could be going after the old crew. I'm sure Valentine has a grudge against anyone who turned against him," Luke said.

"Do you want me to post a few Shadowhunters here? Back up, in case Valentine attacks again?" Serena offered and Luke gave her a warm smile.

"I'm grateful for the offer, Serena, but no thanks. We'll manage."

"If that is what you wish. My offer still stands should you reconsider," she replied, and Luke nodded.

"We'll put extra wards on the Institute," Lydia announced as she turned to leave.

"Right, for Hodge," Alec reminded himself.

"And your parents," Lydia said and the couple froze.

"What?" Alec asked in disbelief.

"Did they conceal that from you?" she asked uncertainly.

"Make all the jabs you want at us Lydia, but do not lie to me about the people who took me in!" Serena said, tears threatening to leave her eyes.

"I'm not lying. Not about this," Lydia promised and Serena and Alec turned to Luke, their last hope.

The wolf alpha only sighed.

"She's not lying. Robert and Maryse were members of The Circle." 

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