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Class A stared at their new Dormitory.
It looked nothing like their original dorm.

The front door wasn't even a normal front door, it was a scanner. If something was off all of the campus would lock up.

To add onto that the metal becomes super reflective and sends the sun's rays at a stronger force at anyone who stands too close.

They were all holding suitcases, they hadn't been together since June.

"I guess we're finally back..." Kirishima said.

"..well how have you all been?" Kaminari asked trying to lighten in the mood.

They were all tense, they didn't know what to say or even do.

"Alright class. So as you all know UA is finally back. What you experienced last time won't happen again, we're taking extreme measures to make sure of it. Here you'll be trained to fight against Midoryia so that if we can't help you know how to help yourselves.

Additionally you'll be trained to become heros." Aizawa said.

Shivers went down their backs upon hearing Midoryia's name, it was just a constant reminder of what they did and what he did in return...

The class nodded their heads as they made their way inside their Dormitory. They were double scanned by the door by guards that sat there and by the door itself.

The inside of the dorm however looked the same as it did before. The only thing that really changed was security after All.

They went to their assigned dorm rooms and got their things set up once again.

It reminded them of the first time they got a dorm however 2 people were missing...


"I need to train Eri" Midoryia thought to himself as he looked at his agenda board.

Eri was just chilling in her room, not much to do during the day time. Despite not being in any danger while walking in the day light Eri still didn't prefer it, she enjoyed the physical coolness of the night.

She didn't like the heat the sun radiated.

"Training at night would be better." Midoryia thought to himself as he went to go to ish other tasks he had planned for himself.

"I need to buy human food for Eri and get more blood bags for myself." Midoryia thought to himself as he grabbed a coat and shapeshifted into a stranger.

He teleported to Tokyo and made his way to a grocery store.

"Did you hear UA really opened up. It's crazy"

"Yeah, but I doubt they can keep Midoryia out. He's too strong for them"

"You're right. Those weaklings don't stand a chance"

Midoryia overhead the conversation between the 2 strangers and a question made its way to his head.

Were they one of his supporters?

Only 1 way to find out.

"Do you perhaps.
Support Midoryia?" He asked telepathically.

"Bro did you hear that in your head??"

"You did too!?"

"Wait I heard Midoryia can talk to people within there heads cause of one of his powers! Maybe he's talking to us"

"No way, what would he be doing In a grocery store"

"Well if he can hear me then yes. I do support"

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