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The six first years were following Hagrid into the dark forest - for their detention.

They walked in silence for a few minutes, and although she 'hated his guts', Lily was staying as close to Tommy as she could. She wasn't normally one to be very scared of things like this - but she just had an odd feeling.

They reached a large tree, before Hagrid stopped, placing his wooden crossbow on the ground. "Are you alright, Hagrid?" Asked Tommy, staring at the man confusedly. He muttered a quick 'yes', before crouching down to the ground.

The first years edged closer - noticing some sort of metallic silver gooey liquid on the ground. "What the bloody hell is that?" Asked Lily, leaning her hand on Tommy's shoulder, to get a closer look - which made the young boy smile uncontrollably, even though it was a small gesture.

Hagrid stood up once more, the liquid remaining on his fingers. "Hagrid - what is that?" Harry asked, clearly just as frightened as his sister.

"What we're here for," Hagrid answered. "See that?" He pointed to the liquid. "That is unicorn blood, that is. I found one dead, a few weeks ago. This one, it's been hurt bad by somthin'." A strong gush of wind flew past the group, as well as a loud howl.

"So. It's our job, to go and find the poor beast." Said Hagrid. "Ron, Hermione? You'll go with me." "Okay.." Ron muttered, terrified.

"Harry, you'll go with Malfoy." Draco huffed, his shoulders slumping, while Harry nodded, accepting it.

Hagrid looked to Tommy, seeing the smile that was on his face, and then Lily, who was twirling her hair around her finger. "Lily, you go with Tommy."

Lily looked up at the man, disappointed, while Tommy grinned wildly.

"I don't think I can speak to you right now, Rubeus." She held up her palm to the man, turning her head to the side. Hagrid shook his head, while Tommy stared at the girl dreamily.

"Fine, then I get Fang." Ordered Malfoy, which made Tommy cast an almost disgusted look at he boy.

"Alright, but just so ya' know," Said Hagrid. "He's a bloody coward."



LILY AND TOMMY walked through the dark, gloomy woods, looking out for any - almost dead - unicorns.

"How did you even get detention in the first place?" Lily asked, stepping over a large branch.
"Well - earlier in class Seamus dared me to prank McGonagall, so I uh- I made her hat three times the size.." Tommy said, expecting some sort of sly remark from the girl - but apparently not.

The girl giggled. Lily Potter giggled - at him.

"That's actually quite funny, Lupin." She said, a smile evident on her face.
"I know." Tommy said, earning a glare, and a slap on the arm from the girl.

"I was-" Lily began to speak, before the bushes around them began to move.
"What was that?" She asked, still walking with the boy, although looking around, fearfully.

"Are you - scared?" Asked Tommy, a smirk on his face.
"N-no, just - trying to.. be aware," Lily answered, wrapping her arms around her body.

"You are scared!" Tommy teased, a earning a push from the girl.
"I'm not scared! I told you - I'm just-" another sound was heard from within the forest.

Of course, Lily was rather frightened, she had never been in the forbidden forest this late before - she had been a few times in her wolf form, and with Fred and George - but that was it.

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