Chapter 11 - Chill

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Things finally felt calm for once, which was nice. Kirstie felt like she was getting more space now, not always being asked to do things or go out whenever the others wanted to. Kevin didn't even yell at her for twitching in her seat anymore.

"Kirst, we need you downstairs, hun." Scott asked her softly, knowing she wouldn't want to leave her book, but thought if he caught her when she was calm it would be okay.

She nodded, having been sitting in the gap between her bed and her wardrobe reading a book. They often found her down there with her duvet and some pillows to make the wall more comfortable.

"Thank you, Kitty." He smiled at her, and let her grab onto his hand. She'd become really comfortable with him, though Mitch was still her favorite, and since Mitch was taking on more of the Alpha duties, he was the one watching her a lot of the time.

"What's going on?" she asked, thinking that the boys didn't need her that morning. It was the weekend after all, so they normally did their own thing.

"Kevin wants everyone in the front room for a little talk." He explained.

"In trouble?" she asked nervously. She couldn't think of what she could have done wrong.

"No, I don't think so. He just wants to talk. Mitchie and I will both be there, so he can't get mean." He assured her, as Kevin had calmed down a lot since they learned more of Kirstie's age and autism, but she still was a bit scared of him. She just nodded, and went to sit by Mitch so they could start.

"Hi Kit." he smiled, tickling her side a little to make her laugh. She really did love Mitch, he was like the best friend and big brother she'd never had. She gave him a small wave, resting her head on his shoulder when she relaxed a bit more.

"Alright." Kevin started off. "So, I think now that we've gotten some new news, there's some things we should talk about. We need to find some sort of system for people in this house to ensure everyone is safe." He began, his statement directed more towards Avi and Kirstie, as Kirstie could possibly hurt herself and Avi could possibly hurt anyone. "So, help us out. What's a good way we can help keep you calm, Avi?" He asked, starting with the Beta.

Avi scratched his neck, thinking.  "I guess just like, arguing stresses me out, and surprises. Like I don't appreciate things being hidden from me as it's not funny. And sometimes I just feel like I can't talk to anyone and get mad." he said, trying to verbalise what he had been figuring out his whole life.

"Okay, that's good to know." Kevin nodded. The rest of the conversation he needs to have with Avi was something to do in private, and so he went to move on to the next one of hi concerns.

"Before you get to me Kev, I don't need anything. I know I was sent here because I'm not a super high scoring Alpha but I don't think I was born to be a Lead and I don't want to be a lead. I'm happy being the softer, kinder Alpha." he said, not insultingly. It was well known that Lead Alphas had to be tough, and Mitch just wasn't that.

"I like you like this." Kirstie said quietly just to Mitch, but they all heard. He smiled and gave her a quick hug.

He nodded, "I'm happy with that if you are, and you still work out in the gym to increase your physical score a bit." He agreed, still a bit hesitant as he wasn't sure if it was the right choice, but it was Mitch's choice, not his. He had to try to remember what his duty as lead alpha was and when he was just being overbearing.

"Then, I was thinking, maybe we should get some little things for Kirstie to have. We won't be able to get her out of every high stress situation, so we'll need some things in place to help her calm down. Does that sound alright, Kitty?" He asked. She nodded, picking at the couch still which only proved Kevin's point further.

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