8- ❂ -IV

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The morning next arrives and Preacher finds

regardless his attempt to fall sleep

he couldn't catch a wink before the dawn.

He dresses, feeling fine, in pantaloons

and shirt he bought with little money held

within his pocket yesterday, and scrubs

his face and brushes hair before he leaves

his house behind the chapel for the streets

of saffron bricks obscur'd in rolling fog

to promenade toward the centre square,                10

wherein he spots the steeple's swinging bell

to call the populace toward the church

with booming chime so full and sonorous

he thinks the city whole must hear it ring.

He passes through an alleyway betwixt

two shops to come upon th'adjacent street

whereat the Chaplain's grand cathedral stands

upon the junction point of sev'ral roads

with stairs t'ascend toward its entrance doors,

majestic in their splendid oaken forms                20

encas'd in frames of gleaming golden stone

that spreads itself to grow in pointed spires,

each ring'd with statues long of tongue or loins

or hair—depending on the sex the stone

depicts—which serve the useful purpose of

dispelling water from the building, but

as well discomfort Preacher with what they

convey about th'religion taught inside.

He enters through the entrance doors into

a foyer where there's hooks for hanging coats                30

as well as naked paintings on the walls

of people caught in ecstasy, unless

they're cloth'd, which seems a gravest woe to them

as th'envious are rob'd and made to watch

the naked lay together, reaping joy.

Proceeding through an arch and up three stairs

he comes upon the grandest chapel he

hath ever seen, with rows and rows of pews

and still a second storey up above

the foyer, looking down upon the first.                40

A strip of carpeting dyed red as rose

proceeds from here toward the dais steps,

and up above are curtains red the same

to drape across the bars and hide backstage;

and t'either side of th'rug are floors of stone

illuminated thousand diff'rent hues

by light cascading in through windows stain'd,

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