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Hated You From Hello

                     - Song by Downplay

Aris nodded excitedly, and with that, Emmett and Jasper made their way over to her, grabbing her arms and leading her down the hall eagerly, causing Rosalie and Alice to laugh at the ridiculousness of their boyfriends.

They then rounded about five corners and hallways before they finally arrived at a hidden door in the back.

"Alright little A, here's the deal," Emmett started, rubbing his hands together mischievously, "there are a few simple rules you must follow to be invited back into our man cave again."

Aris nodded, feigning a serious expression on her face which was hard to maintain with the smile that she was suppressing threatening to break through.

"Rule number one," Jasper started, clearing his throat, "what happens in the man cave, stays in the man cave." Emmett grunted in agreement, and Aris noticed Jasper smirk slightly, as if he too was trying to suppress a smile.

"Rule number two," Emmett held up the number on his fingers, "Edward never steps foot in here. Whether you're just in here by yourself chilling, or if you're with one of us, he never comes in. That little bitch boy could sit outside the door and cry for all I care-"

"Which he has, might I add," Jasper cut in.

"Which he has, but you must take no pity on that kid, understand?" Emmett asked, eyebrows raised.

"Trust me, I'm the last person to take pity on that jackass." Aris grumbled, causing the both of them to laugh.

"Alright then, close your eyes." Jasper instructed, Aris doing as he said.

Emmett opened the door as Jasper led her in, her immediately being met with a cool temperature and the loud noise of flowing water.

Her eyes immediately snapped open, and her jaw instantly dropped as she took in the room before her.

The walls were made out of glass, looking over a rainforest like landscape, while the inside of the room was designed so it purely matched that.

The room was rather dark as the rainforest outside didn't seem to let hardly any sunlight in, so the only light source was from the lanterns that shone down overhead.

There were vines that surrounded the room, along with four different beautiful waterfalls in each corner.

"Rose has phenomenal taste." Emmett shrugged, watching Aris's reaction.

She remained speechless as she slowly walked around the room, admiring every intricate piece that puzzled it together.

Jasper and Emmett casually took seats on the leather couch in front of the TV in the center of the room, flipping on ESPN in an attempt to look somewhat human.

Aris spent around twenty minutes exploring every inch of the grand room, all the while feeling slightly sorry for Edward that he had to be such a prick to the point where even his own brothers wouldn't let him in.

When she was finished, Emmett and Jasper ushered her over to them, creating a spot for her on the couch between the two of them.

"So, how was your study date with Edwin?" Emmett inquired, his eyebrows dancing as a smirk made its way onto his face.

Aris rolled her eyes, not understanding why everyone seemed to think there was more going on between her and Edward.

"It was okay for the most part I guess. We argued a little in the beginning, but during the actual researching and writing we didn't really talk," she shrugged, "but then as soon as we were finished and one of us opened our mouths, it was just straight arguing from then on out as you all witnessed."

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