Monsters in the Mist

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The Mist rolls into the valley, coating everything in a layer of humid dew. Doors and windows are slammed shut and locked tightly. Curtains are drawn and all creatures scurry to the safety of their home. A quiet hush of frightened anticipation falls over our town. The stalls in the market square are deserted, the streets empty, and fields neglected. Our village seems abandoned to anyone who might pass by because we were all tucked away in our secret underground rooms with hidden entrances.

We are taught when we're young to be afraid of the mist and the dark beasts within it. Stories whispered late at night and hushed rumors inform us of our enemies. They come shrouded in the fog once every new bloom when the flowers seem to show their brightly colored petals in mockery of our impending fears. Nobody has dared to venture out into the billowing smoke in decades, for all who did before, never returned. 

The howls always sound before the first wisps of Mist even arrive. Their growls echo throughout the valley, scattering the birds who guide the terrified wild to safer grounds. That is the first warning. Most are already tucked underground by now, not wanting to have any chance of being caught in the clutches of the shadows. They light their lanterns and wait upon bedding while overhead the sun is no longer shining on our dirt-ridden town. Us townfolks can hear their tremendous claws scrapping deep gouges into the rock and roaring 'booms' of their massive feet, which cause stones to tremble and cave in our earthy security. 

Children's whimpers and cries are smothered in the wake of the flickering lamp. Prayers are whispered under uneven breaths as they shakily beg for protection. The strongest of men cower in their presence like frightened children. Families hear their homes torn apart by the creatures with vicious growls. Some will find their home in tatters and their most treasured belongings strewn upon the grass like worthless rubbish. 

That will not be the worst of it. Homes can be rebuilt and cleaned, the damage will be fixed, and life will move on from the memory of this bloom's Mist. But, innocent souls so violently ripped from their bodies cannot be replaced like a vase or necklace. If you don't hide well enough, they will find you. They are looking through the fog, searching for their next meal, needing to feed until satisfactory fulfillment. Some seasons, few disappear. Gone forever with the Mist.

So we hide. We cower. We tremble in the catastrophe of the billowing smoke that takes our people. We are too stubborn to move again, pick up what we can carry upon our aching backs until a new home can be built because they find us. They will always find us. They will follow every bloom to the four corners of the known world using the nomadic cover of the fog to terrorize their victims. How many more must we lose in our hopeless war. They can win every battle, take every life, destroy every home, but we keep running. 

Well, I am tired of running. My people have taken enough beatings. 

This time we will be waiting! This time we will fight! We will not permit these creatures of darkness to keep taking what we've built, loved, and made! They might have won every battle, but they haven't won the war! It's our move, our turn! The next big step toward freedom from their oppressive grasp is finally upon us! 

So what are you going to do about it? Where are the warriors our ancestors wanted us to become? Will you fear the king who hides behind his palace walls, or join the rebellion to take down his brutal regime! It is our turn to fight, to win! 

Now, who is with me!?

Explanation: So this story is about a town that has been terrorized by these dark creatures that come shrouded in the Mist, which is a thick fog. What is happening here is someone is gathering the people to finally fight their enemies. So, this is basically a speech being said to the people by a leader or well-respected peer to convince people to fight the unknown creatures.

Hope you guys enjoyed this one! It was fun to write! If you have any ideas for nother story, feel free to contact me to see it in the collection. Thank you for the stars! PLEASE notify me of any mistakes you caught that I missed. Thanks for reading!


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