Chapter 15

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Jacob's P.O.V.

Ugh. It was a weekday, which meant that I needed to go to school. I felt tired and sleepy as my alarm went off buzzing into my ears. With heavy eyelids, I touched for my phone and it was so far away, which meant that I needed to get up and grab it.

"Shut up!" I yelled to my phone like it was going to make it stop. Grabbing my pillows, I shoved it onto my face to muffle the noise but it just ended up squishing my nose. I decided it was time to physically get up and move my lazy body off of the comfy, warm bed.

I turned the never ending annoying alarm off and went into the shower. I came out feeling so more awake and a little refreshed by the coolness of the liquid. Looking at myself in the mirror, I frowned causing my eyebrows to move toward each other.

My hair was a half wet, half dry, mess. Quickly, I got my hair gel and gently rubbed a small amount onto my fingers and moved my hair up into a small quiff. Satisfied, I grabbed a flannel threw that on with a pair of loose jeans and ran downstairs for my momma's breakfast.

"Hey sweetie, did you sleep well?"

"Um, not really... I'm super sleepy right now," I responded honestly trying to smile for her.

"Aw, Jacob, you need to sleep earlier!" why do parents always say that when you do sleep early enough? Was 10 not early?! I usually slep at 2 in the morning!

I just nodded and laughed grabbing the last box of Wheaties. My sister walked in with huge bags under her eyes looking tired.

She sat next to me grabbing the cereal. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and asked, "hey my lil sis, what's up?"

"Nothing, just tired. I slept so late last night because I couldn't fall asleep."

"Why's that?" mom asked concerned making toast for dad and herself.

"After doing loads of homework and drinking cups of coffee, obviously I couldn't fall asleep."

I laughed as she sighed and munched on her cereal dripping the milk on her chin. She jerked her head, and the milk went flying onto the kitchen counter. Forming a blob of whiteness right in front of the sink.

"Oh my god Sierra, ew!" I was practically crying and pushing her off the chair, she was laughing hysterically with me. Sierra took her phone out and took a picture probably to post or something.

"You guys are so funny. Ha, ha, ha," our mom sarcastically laughed. Which made us laugh even more because our momma wasn't the best at mimicking sarcasm.

"Stop laughing you two, hurry up and eat! You're going to be late for school!"

I checked my wrist and it was already 7:45!! Our school started at 8:15, so we needed to hurry. I gulped down my cereal, quickly tweeting a couple times to keep my fam up to date, brushed my teeth, sprayed cologne, and practically fell, while running out the door with Sierra right behind me.

"Oh no, I think we might be late!!" I sighed, it was 8:10 and our school wasn't the closest.

"It's okay, just calm down, and drive steadily, we don't want a speeding ticket," Sierra instructed. I don't even know how she stayed so calm, she was taking out her makeup bag and applying that girl stuff on her eyes.

Luckily, we got to school just on time right after the bell rang, so we fled out of the sloppily parked car and ran into our classes.

"Hey," I smiled at Bethany, sitting down and taking my things out on the spot she saved for me. We took English together. Out of luck again, the teacher was just unpacking her stuff too.

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