Raged Reunion

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Penguin Queen POV

"Penguin Queen, if I don't live through this, just remember that you're a great person."

Penguin Queen thought Cat Emperor had a death wish, but as she saw him barrage through the army, she actually thought that he could go on destroy the army himself. But right when she thought of that, Cat Emperor tripped. (HAAAAAAAAAAH) Yeah. He tripped, and he immediately got engulfed by the forces of rebellion. So that's when she started to help, she first made a B I G icicle and might have killed some animals and soldiers. And then froze some Nekos.

While Penguin Queen reeked cold havoc across the army, the Cat Emperor was too, reeking havoc. He was literally killing 20 entities in 12 seconds, she still didn't know what the two swords were, and where it came from. But she pushed that thought for after this fight ends, but she had a bad feeling that Cat Emperor and her won't live through this. 

So she began multi-tasking, thinking in her head for winning scenarios while reeking havoc over the army. After a bit of thinking, she finally came up with an idea, so first she had to go to Daniel to say the idea to him. And that was definitely a hard thing to do, but she tried her best to go near him. She made giant icicles come out of the ground to make way, and froze enemies when they got too close for comfort.

And finally, she reached Daniel. So, she said, "Hey Cat Emperor! I got a plan! I'm going to make a ice monster. Like the one in Frozen!" And Daniel immediately understood, as he ironically loved the movie Frozen (it do be true doe) so while she sparked up some frozen entity magic, Daniel protected her from the closing enemies. 

When she was done, she first said to Daniel, "Ok, when I say run, run." then the affect took in very soon. Layers of ice came out of thin air and took in shape. When the shape was visible, an explosion shook across the army and the monster was complete. "RUN!" She yelled to Cat Emperor. Then she and him ran from the army.

When she thought the army was long gone, she stopped and panted for breath. "Hey, you okay there Penguin Queen?" Daniel said to her. "Yeah, I'm alright, just exhausted from the magic." She responded. Then, her mother just teleported out of nowhere and put a knife against Daniel. "May I steal your emperor?" She said, and teleported with the Cat Emperor.

Author's note: HAHAH cliffhanger! Also BIG thanks to ImAnAddictForBooks or the new cover! THANK YOU! ITS BEUTIFUL *CHEF'S KISS* anyways, bye!

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