Chapter 21

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(this chapter will be in Yoongi's pov)

Yoongi's pov
Hoseok stayed with me at my house, he wanted to hang out since the others were busy and Taehyung had painting to do.

Hoseok was quiet the whole time, it was awkward. But I know something is up with him.

He gets really quiet when he's upset, he doesn't like to show himself crying.

I look at him as he scoots away from me and looks outside my window.

"Hoseok." He looks at me shaken, "What's wrong?"

He frowns and looks down, "Is it because of the kiss I gave you?"

He looked at me and nodded, "Was it bad?"

He shook his head and gave me a little smile, "Im just confused about my sexuality. I liked girls but when you kissed me..."

"When I kissed you, you felt the opposite?" He nodded,

"Look, there's something called. Bisexual, where someone likes both genders. Is it that?"

"No, Yoongi.. I feel like I totally like boys. But when you kissed me, I had feelings- like! I did like you.."

"Ah, that's why you came to me?"

"Is something wrong?" He wondered, I shook my head smiling.

He looked very startled and just shy, he barely talks about feelings or when he likes someone.

I know I can't push him away just because of that, but if he ends up liking me. I'll have to tell him the truth.

"I just want to know, what did you feel?"

He bit his lip and looked around, "Well.. I did feel a little bit of liking, I kinda did like you before."

"Do you still do?" I questioned, "I mean.. I kinda do." He replied.

"One through ten, how much?"

"Eight point seven." He answered, "Look Hoseok. You are a bright and funny guy. You're really sweet. I don't like getting hurt nor do you,

But if you do like me.. you should tell me now." I pleaded.

"I-I don't know.." He started to turn red and just worry, "You're press-" I stood up and leaned into him.

I pecked his lips and smiled as I kneeled down, "How about now?"

He just stared at me while turning a dark red now, "I do now.." He smiled.

"Is it official?" I asked, he nodded and wrapped his hands around my neck, he leaned in and gave me a peck.

"I can't believe I'm dating my best friend." He mumbled,

"Why?" I searched his face, "You liked girls. But never guys."

I chuckled and smiled warmly at him, "I don't like sharing my sexuality until Im confirmed. But since I'm with you, obviously I like boys."

"You don't like girls?"

"Nope, only you."

"My Classmate" ー jikook ⚣ [COMPLETED] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now