Chapter 34: Now Or Never

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The sun had crested below the horizon hours ago. 

Despite that, there was a select few who were now more awake than ever and both eager and anxious to start this insane mission they had set upon.

They were worried, but they wouldn't be alone.

Seraphina impatiently tapped her foot as she sat at the kitchen counter, waiting for the others to arrive. She had everything set for the others to immediately change the second they got to her dorm, their respective outfits all folded and piled nicely on the living room couch.

Part of her wished there was a 5th outfit waiting there for her, calling her to go out and discover all the secrets that had been shoved away from public eyes.

Yes, she had thought about becoming a vigilante. But it wasn't for the respected reasons that people like Rei and Kuyo had decided on.

She had many reasons for wanting to be out there. John, her abilities, what the authorities were hiding.

It wasn't for a want to save low tiers she had no emotional connection to.

Yet vigilantes like Kuyo and Rei had been out there risking their necks to save the innocent lives of people who had no one to turn to, who needed a hero to save them in their darkest time. They had been doing everything in their power to try and make a difference in this world and all she could think about were her own self-interests.

The magenta haired girl sighed slightly.

She knew she wasn't the only one who had felt that maybe they were doing this for the wrong reasons. 

During school, when her and Remi had managed to hide from the prying eyes of the cops patrolling the halls, the pinkette had confessed the same thoughts to her as they hid behind a set of dusty book shelves in the back of the library.


Seraphina peeked around the corner, making sure the coast was clear before looking back at the girl in front of her. 

Tonight was the night that the group would sneak out onto the streets, the night they would help Kuyo free the captives.

But the pinkette seemed nervous.

'Last minute jitters?' Was the first thought that came to Seraphina's mind.

But once she had signaled for her to start talking, Remi buried her head in her knees.

"I...I don't know how to explain this. But, I want to talk this over with you."

She looked up at the magenta haired girl who sat down perpendicular to her, her back pressed against the book shelves as she kept an ear out for more cops.

Remi took a deep breath.

"It's just...part of me wonders if we're doing this for the right reasons. I know helping these people is the right thing to do, but what about our motives for doing so? Originally, we were only helping these people because Kuyo has information we need. But...I don't seems almost selfish to be doing this again under these circumstances."

Seraphina looked down at her shoes, nodding a bit. She could understand Remi's thoughts to an extent. For a certain point, it did seem selfish.

Helping out these people just to gain information from Kuyo? She could understand why Remi would feel that way.

But, there was one thing she was overlooking.

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