🥺Tomaru Shigaraki x reader❤️

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Stockholm Syndrome pt 1

"So what do you think happened?" I asked my coworker Suzuki as we sped down the street. "I think the damn bitch cheated!"She said angrily. "Calm down, you can talk it over with him after this call, we're almost there," I said. "Easier said than done," she mumbled. "Look, this call is simple, just a clumsy person who tripped in the wrong spot. It's nothing I can't handle myself, go catch a ride and talk everything over with Ryan," I said."Really?" She asked. I nodded with a smile. "Thanks l/n!" Suzuki said. "Of course Su, see ya next shift," I said letting her out. "Wait what about my stuff, and when I don't get back the captain will be mad," Suzuki said, hopping back in. "Oh shoot you're right, I didn't think about that," I said. "Thanks anyways, let's go!" She said. We drove up to a warehouse that seemed abandoned. "Must be some kids messing around,'' Suzuki said. I replied with a short hum as I grabbed the medical bag. We both walked in looking around. "Ah, you two must be the paramedics," said a voice. "Yes, where's the injured man?" I asked. Suzuki looked scared. Two people revealed themselves. One had burn marks on half their face and arms. The other had a top hat with a feather and some sort of mask. Suzuki was trembling and looked like she was going to scream. "Don't think about running now," said the burnt one showing a blue flame in his hand. "What do you need from us?" I asked. "Over here," the guy in the top hat said. There was another guy around some boxes. He had greyish-blue hair and his hand was grasped on his right side. His breathing was laboured and there was blood spilling out of the spot where he held his hand. I knew that they were all villains which meant someone must know about them since this one got hurt."C'mon, you have to save him!" The guy in the top hat said getting a nudge from the burnt guy. "Suzuki, you know what to hand me, right?" I said. She trembled behind me silently looking like she was going to cry. I sighed. "Y-You're not actually c-considering this, right?" She asked back. I looked at her and then the villains. She was new, I should spare her if I die, right? "Let her go and I'll help your friend, if not go ahead and kill me now," I said. "There's no time to call another paramedic so I'm his best shot at living." Suzuki looked at me. "l/n what are you doing?" She asked. "Saving your ass, when the captain asks where I am, tell her I went rouge and ran off after helping the guy." I said. "I can't leave you what if you die," She said. "Suzuki, I'll be fine, make up with Ryan for me okay?" I asked her with a smile. She nodded. "Fine, you can go," the burnt one said. He grabbed her arm as she reluctantly left. "Don't tell a soul or else," he said. Suzuki nodded and ran off. I could hear the ambulance drive away and I started to work on the guy in front of me. I learned that he had been shot and the bullet was still in him. I had the other two hand me the tools I needed and I fixed him up. "I can't promise that he'll be okay since the stitches could come out or if something was punctured he could have internal bleeding but that's all I can do for now." I said. "Then you're coming with us," the guy I had just operated on said sitting up. His voice was dry and so were his lips. "I'm not going to bother asking you if you're insane," I mumbled. "Call Kurogiri, Dabi," he said. "Mr. Compress make sure she doesn't try to run," he added. The one with burn marks got on the phone and the one with the top hat got closer to me and grabbed my arm. I snagged it away from him, giving him a cold look. Soon something appeared in the room that resembled a black hole. Dabi and Mr. Compress both tried helping the man up. "Idiots I'm not wearing my gloves!" he said. "Sorry boss!" Mr. Compress said as they both let go. "I told you to stop calling me that!" He said. "Dabi, you go first, then you," he said pointing to me. I rolled my eyes but obeyed. When I went through after Dabi we were in a completely different place. It was quite small but there was a feeling of home to it. It seemed to be a small abandoned building but everything was perfectly functional and it seemed secluded. Behind me came the man who seemed to be the leader of them all. There were a few other villains on the other side of the weird portal thing. One was a girl who looked like she was still in school and one looked similar to a lizard. The last one looked like the portal but more human, they wore a suit and something metal around their neck. They all looked at me like I was crazy or something. "Are they a new recruit Shigaraki?" The girl asked. "Can I take their blood?" The guy with greyish-blue hair looked at her, irritated. "No and no," he said. "What're they doing here then," the lizard guy asked. "I'm injured and like it or not they have to stay here to...heal me," Shigaraki said. "Toga, do you know where my gloves are?" She smiled and nodded, skipping out of the room. She soon came back with a pair of gloves and handed them to Shigaraki. He put them on and gently sighed. "Dabi, introduce everyone," Shigaraki said. "Do I have to?" Dabi asked. "Yes," Shigaraki hissed. He lazily introduced everyone to me. They eventually left apart from Kurogiri and Shigaraki. "I suppose you'll need a room..." Shigaraki said. "Follow me." I did so and he showed me a pretty simple room. "If I'm going to take care of you I need to know where everything is," I said hoping to find some sort of escape route. "Go ask Toga, second door on the left," he said going into the room next to mine. I knocked on the door that matched with what he said. "Hi!" The girl said with a lot of energy. "Shigaraki told me to ask you to give me a tour," I said. "Ooo yay! Okay, follow me!" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me around the apartment. I had no choice but to follow her and she showed me where everything was. Afterwards, I went to my room and laid down on the bed after shutting the door. I laid in bed not being able to sleep. How could I?! I was just kidnapped and I now have to live with a ton of villains! If only I hadn't been born quirkless... I heard a noise come from Shigaraki's room. I listened a bit closer and he made a painful noise. "He better not be messing with the wound!" I whispered getting up and knocking on his door. "What the hell do you want," Shigaraki said in his hoarse voice. "I need to readdress the wound," I said. "Fine, come in." He said. He was sitting on the edge of his bed and his wound seemed to have opened again. "God damn it why didn't you say anything," I asked. "Why do you care," he asked. "Because it's my job," I said. He huffed and sharply inhaled. I restitched his wound and looked up at him. "Now, how about something warm? It'll help you sleep." I said. "I don't need your stupid home remedies," Shigaraki said spitefully. "I was going to make tea but okay," I said getting up. "Wait, what kind of tea?" He asked. "Chamomile," I replied. "Make me some," he said. I smiled and went downstairs. I made both of us a cup of tea and went back upstairs. When I got up there he was surprisingly still awake. He was also scratching his neck a lot. "That's not good for you," I said. "It helps so I don't care," he said. I handed him his tea and we drank it in silence. After about a month I was free to go. "I want to stay," I said when Shigaraki told me. "What, why," he asked. "This is the first time I've ever been treated like an equal and had someone that cares about me," I said. "F-fine," he stuttered, which was the first time he had since I've known him. It also might be the fact that I like him that contributed to my choice. It's not like I could even tell him. Suzuki would tell me to go for it if she were here! "Shigaraki wait," I said. He sighed and turned around. "I-I really like you, I know it probably sounds so stupid but-" I felt his lips connect to mine. I pulled away with a smile. He gave a small smile as well. "Just know you're now mine," Shigaraki said. "I have no objections," I laughed. He pulled me into his room and kissed me again. I kissed him back and he let his hands roam me. He just stopped suddenly and backed up a bit. "I-I..." he stuttered. "Shigaraki we don't have to do anything," I said. He nodded a bit. I knew he was upset about having to wear gloves. I hugged him and he stood there not really knowing what to do I guess. I let him go and he laid down. "Here let me see your gloves," I said. He reluctantly handed them to me and I ripped off two of the finger parts on both. Shigaraki looked at me like I was insane. "You need to touch someone with all your fingers right? If you only have two fingers from each hand that means you won't have to worry," I smiled. He took the gloves back on. He tried grabbing the water bottle on the stand. It failed to disintegrate and Shigaraki smiled a bit. I crawled onto the bed and laid so that my back was against him. He reluctantly wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and we just laid there silently for a while until I yawned. I knew Shigaraki was still awake because I kept playing with his hands and he moved them occasionally. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. While I was half awake I could feel Shigaraki reluctantly petting my head and playing with my hair. I woke up to the sound of sirens. "Come on, we've got to go!" Shigaraki said waking me up. I quickly got up and when we left Shigaraki's bedroom we were surrounded by cops. I freaked out a bit but they seemed to be telling me to come with them. "Let her go Shigaraki!" One of them yelled. They had their guns aimed at him. I jumped in front of him protecting him. "No, he hasn't hurt me!" I yelled. I backed up a bit. "Don't hurt him!" I felt Shigaraki move around a bit. He put his fingers on my neck apart from one. He started saying he'd kill me if any of them got closer.

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