Chapter 10

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He finds out from Ed that they are about to arrive in Port Royal. It's arguably the most famous port for pirates, and it's known as the wickedest city in the world. Harry shivers at the idea of what it's going to be like. When Ed had confided in Harry about their next destination, Harry sort of forgot that he had been on a pirate boat and this is part of their rebellious lifestyle.

Stopping at different ports for trading goods, exchanging sex, and drinking in absolute excess.

Harry was definitely nervous for himself, but he shuddered more at the thought of the captain. Was he going to sleep with other Omegas? Was he going to waste his night doing everything in his power to forget about Harry? What was Harry to do while the crew was away?

It imprisons Harry's mind for the good portion of a day until he spots Liam walking ahead. Thirsting for anything to clear his thoughts, the Omega runs up to the Alpha. "Liam," Harry taps him on his shoulder as the Alpha had been lost in thought.


"I heard you are mated," comes spilling randomly from his mouth.

"That I am."

"So, what do you do when the crew goes to these ports?"

Liam tiredly smiles, "I send my mate letters that I've written since the last port. There are usually a few letters waiting for me too, from her."

"Is it difficult doing this when you have a mate? I cannot imagine being away from my Alpha every day."

"It's the hardest thing I've ever done, but it's the best thing for us. I help out a friend while in turn making more money than I could possibly fathom at home. She saves it for the both of us until I'm back, when we can finally buy a place for us to live together. Hopefully even start a family together."

"How long do you think that will be? When you can be home for good?"

"One more year."

The Omega balks, that's a lot longer than he had thought. "Wow. That must be exciting."

"In a lot of ways it will be, and in a lot of ways it won't."

"Sounds complex."

Liam nods, "Definitely."

"Also, I have yet to share my gratitude, but thank you for taking me to our spot, by the way. I do not have many places on this ship where I feel comfortable to walk to, or rather spend time at."

"This must feel incredibly confined in comparison to your castle back home."

Harry confesses, "It is not as different as one would think."

"Do you miss it," the Alpha wonders?



"Not really. I miss my sister, but not much else."

"Being away from certain people and certain situations helps put into perspective a lot we didn't comprehend before."

Harry adds in agreement, "Often times the only way to see clearly is to take a step back."

The Alpha nods, "Yes. I uh, need to head back or Will will be upset. Are you fine staying here or would you like me to walk with you back to your room?"

"I think I would like to stay here a bit longer, thanks."

"Of course. Oh, how's your hand?"

Harry smiles, "It is going to be fine."

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