My Knight In The Shining Armor !

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Baani's POV 


How can he look hot in everything he wears!

I know how hard it is to resist myself from staring him right now!

He looks so alluring in white plain T shirt and white jeans with a  blue casual blazer! 

Kabeer's outfit

Kabeer's outfit

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Baani's Outfit

We reached some posh club and I jumped out of the car!

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We reached some posh club and I jumped out of the car!

Well, this neat freak just hates when someone messes up.

I remember how I and poor Aayush listened to his rambling over how we messed up with penthouse by water!!

He himself was included in it and this man said it's because of me he's going to be mad one day!!!

Huh!! Over Neat freak!!

"Baani ! Listen here and stop dreaming" He snapped and I looked at him

"What" I asked

"Don't jump like a rabbit here and there! And yes ! Don't go anywhere without telling me!" He said

"I am not a kid! I am 26" I protested

"I know how much kid you're! " He mocked and I frowned

"Hey guys" Came Anna's voice 

"Anna Mannaa!!" I squeaked and hugged her 

"And then says I am not a kid" He muttered which I chose to ignore!

Loud music and people swooning on beats were all what I could see!

And almost everyone was getting drunk! 

And here I've never drunk!!

Not even in Anna's wedding.

And I don't really want to because I never felt of drinking!

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