November Days(ch.31)

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Over the last weeks or two, Sirius had been contemplating telling you how he was feeling, how every time he looked at you it was like he melted, every time your hand brushed against his it would send sparks through his body. It was driving him crazy. Normally these feelings would've gone by now, he just needed one good night to get it all out of system, maybe then he'd be able to move on from you.

The question was, who. He could have any girl he wanted, however the only girl he wanted, didn't want him. At least, that's what he believed.
Finding out that you were spending the full night with Regulus made his blood boil. Why did he get to spend time with you, when he couldn't? He found it funny how you hadn't realised that it was a date. Either you hadn't realised or maybe..maybe you wanted it to be a date. He didn't want that to be true so, tried keep a emotionless demeanour whilst Lily teased you about everything.

Clearing his throat,he spoke
"What lesson you's got next?"

Pulling your attention to Sirius, you saw his eyes were dark, eyebrows furrowed, u hated to to say it but Sirius angry was a look ;)

" Erm, i have charms i think"you answered, sighing at the thought

"Uh same" Remus sighed from beside you

"Oh yeah, we're all in the same charms class" Lily smiled

" Lily, i cant believe you forgot about me," James huffed dramatically, wiping non existent tears from his eyes "i'm disappointed in you Lily flower i truly am"

"Piss off james" Lily laughed, flicking her hair behind her shoulders. Laughing at the two they both exchanged a glance before Lily winked at James causing him to blush in awe.

After lunch, you all headed to your lesson. Walking along side the marauders, your cheeks hurt from laughing so much. James with his arm over Lily's shoulder, Peter not looking where he's going instead, laughing hysterically.Remus trying to hide his smile and Sirius, well, he was too busy gazing at you to of heard Remus' joke.
"-i am NOT gonna be the one with my life together" James huffed, causing Lily to chuckle,
"No, no, hear me out, you will be the one with your life together, and that is only and i mean only because of Lily, Sirius will be the bachelor, possible alcoholic, Peter will end up leading a simple life, Y/N, no doubt working for some big fancy company, with a big house never marrying and I, well, I will be alone. Working a boring job, surrounded by people i despise."

The laughs died out as you replayed his words in your head more carefully.

"Don't say that moony, we'll always stick together no matter what" Peter said, patting Remus on the back

"This, right here-" Sirius said pointing to you all, " is all that matters. Nobody else, just us" he said looking at everyone there, before making eye contact with you, lasting no more than five seconds. It is said that you can tell a lot about people with eye contact, and in that moment, you felt as though the only thing he wanted, was you. But it must of been your ego talking, Sirius Black would never want you..
Would he?

"Yeah, yeah i guess. Still, i just think you have to think realistically-" Remus started

"Which normally i would agree with, however you, don't think realistically, you think pessimistically. There's a difference" You interrupted.

Sirius chuckled to himself. Only you. Looking down at the girl he was so infatuated with, he couldn't help but smile. You in his eyes, were the definition of beauty. Your features, so unique to everyone around you. So, different yet attractive. You were just, you. He admired how you only ever contributed to a discussion when you knew you were right. He, on the other hand would speak out whenever he felt like it.

unpredictable - Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now