Chapter 5~ Meeting him (part 2)

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~Zack's pov~

I stare at the huge screen, the movie is really interesting, although I heard that the book was better. The books are always better than the movies.

I had finished my shift not too long ago, and Luis was already waiting for me at the theater. It was quite adorable seeing him get excited for the movie, next time I would like to take him to see an action movie.

All of a sudden I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders. I follow to where the arm connects to a body, finding that it belongs to Luis.

"Umm, why do you have your arm wrapped around my shoulder?" I ask him in a whisper, he just shrugs. That sneaky fucker, I roll my eyes and go back to watching the movie. No harm in letting him get cozy.


We make our way out of the theater, throwing away any trash we had. "I liked that movie, was a bit out of the norm for me."

"It was quite arousing. Maybe we should try out what they did in the movie." He says that so casually, making me give him a 'what the fuck' look.

"You are really something Luis." He just chuckles and we continue walking around the mall, looking at the stores and making small talk here and there.

After a while I take out my phone to check the time, humming softly. "Well I need to be leaving, I had a fun time with you Luis." I put my phone away and look up at Luis, giving him a smile.

"I agree, we should hang out more often." He smiles back, his eyes sparkling.

"Haha we should, well see ya later!" I hug him and hurry out of the mall, finding my car quickly in the nearly empty parking lot.


The drive home was very calm, and surprisingly no traffic. I made it home in record time, I parked the car and got out, locking it as I made my way to the front door of my house.

I unlock the door and head inside to the warm inside, flipping the switch on the wall so that the lights would turn on, illuminating the house. I toss my keys on the coffee table, heading into the kitchen for a quick drink of water. Once my thirst is quenched I'm heading up the stairs to my room. Really craving a shower.

The moment I enter my room, something grabs my wrist and tugs me into the room, the door slamming shut behind me. "What the fuck?" The lights turn on, and I quickly look around only for my eyes to land on some..some stranger.

"W-who.." I began, cursing myself for asking questions first instead of running away. The stranger didn't answer, but the more I stared, the more I started to realize who it was.

That same pale complexion, red eyes, and silver hair. "You are that stranger from the restroom. What the hell are you doing here? You followed me home, didn't you?" I reach into my pocket and pull my phone out, fumbling to contact 9-1-1 but my phone is snatched out of my hands.

"Ah ah, let's not call that number. Just..listen to me, yeah?" The guy says, and I just stare at him like if he's crazy..I mean he definitely is crazy for breaking into my house. I take a step back, reaching for the nearest item which was a book, throwing it at him.

The book didn't hit him but he did catch it, it's better than nothing so I rush to the door, turning the knob but it's locked. I try unlocking it but the shit really doesn't want to budge. I hear the stranger cough, making me turn my attention back on him.

If he was really here to hurt me, to steal from me, I'm sure he would have already done so. Yet he was just standing there, and strangely enough I wasn't getting any bad vibes from him. Fuck that tho, I wasn't going to let myself fall into a trap. I look pass him towards the balcony...of course!

I push myself away from the door and run to the balcony, successfully pulling it open but my vision suddenly goes black. Great. I passed out. What a classic move.

~Cinder's pov~

Fuck. I wasn't expecting the balcony to still be unlocked. So without thinking I knocked Zack out.

"Great going Cinder, you have killed your beloved." I glared up at Henry who was sitting on the balcony's railing. I carefully picked up Zack bridal style. I really didn't mean to scare him, I was never sure on how to even approach him. It's much more different in my realm. Humans are too complicated.

"I didn't kill him. I simply knocked him out, he will be out cold for a few hours. Enough time to bring him home with me." I walk out onto the balcony, keeping a tight hold on Zack. I could just leave him here and try again some other day, but that was the last thing on my mind. I wanted him now.

And just like that, I had my beloved with me.


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