Chapter 22 : The Shining Air

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Invisible Moon

Chapter 22

The Shining Air

"The Moon didn't shine by itself,

it reflects the brightness of the sun."


While I was still confused because P'In said that he would deduct my points, the MC announced that my time was up and I had to leave the stage, still muddleheaded.

Which Moon is the most handsome...The Moon named 'IN'.

His question was still stuck in my head. P'In would really deduct my points just because I couldn't answer that? Seriously?

'Who knew that he could come up with such a question?'

Now, I was on a short break while other candidates were performing their talent. I was relieved that my performance went smoothly, even though I couldn't answer P'In's question.

At first I was very worried. If I couldn't answer the first question, this performance would have failed. At least, I did a pretty good job.

There were 24 performances in total as we had 12 faculties competing. Each person was given no more than 5 minutes, so most of them performed music, dancing, or singing, which took around 3-4 minutes.

I had my phone connected to the university wi-fi. I was watching the live contest and wondering how the others performed. The Moon from the Faculty of Communication Arts was wearing a traditional Thai costume, playing the fiddle just as P'In had told me. The Moon from the Faculty of Engineering was performing a fencing art. I thought these two were the most competitive candidates among us.

Half an hour had passed, and the last performance ended. The next part was the interview. My queue was at the very end. While waiting, I was still concentrating on how other candidates answered their questions.

All questions were random. There was a glass of rolled papers on the judges' table and they would randomly pick one question for each candidate. The candidates were given 3 minutes to answer them and the questions that had already been asked would be removed so we wouldn't get the same question. It seemed very fair. Everything depended on the candidates' luck and wit.

There were all types of questions, including very basic ones such as 'Why do you want to become the Moon?', as well as very specific questions like 'What do you think about this political incident?'.

Basically, there were no right or wrong answers. The scores would be subject to how the judges evaluated the quality of those answers.

In this part, I thought the Moon from communication arts didn't do very well because he got the question about the law, which he was unfamiliar with, and his answer was unclear. As for the Moon from engineering, he got the question about college education in Thailand. He gave a very common answer, too basic. Unexpectedly, the one who could do very well in this part turned out to be the Moon from the Faculty of Medicine. However, he made a mistake during his juggling performance earlier. Probably because he was nervous at that time.

At this point, I had no idea who would be the winner because the favoured candidates didn't do well in the interview part, and the ones who did well during the interview didn't do so well for their performance earlier.

Time flew and soon, it was my turn. I was still very nervous, but felt a little bit better.

"Next, the Moon candidate from the Faculty of Business Administration, Archawin Deshsakul."

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