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Hollis had very skeptical feelings about Halloween night as she changed into her dark colored clothes for her nighttime outing with the other Marauders and Lily. This time last year, the night had ended with nearly all of her close friends in the hospital wing, along with a stolen Map, broken trust, and secrets that lasted for months.

This one is going to be good, Hollis told herself as she tightened her bun. I know it.

Hollis looked in the silver framed mirror of the seventh year Slytherin dorms at the final outfit with a smile, happy with the final result.

She was wearing a tight, long sleeved black top with a neckline even to her shoulders and dark eyeliner on her face that made her brown eyes look even more on fire than usual.

The even tighter jeans made her smile as she thought of Sirius helping her pick them out and saying 'they made her legs look good' in the most friendly, platonic way possible that had made all five of them laugh.

Picking up her wand and sliding it into her waistband to keep her hands free and not have to bring a bag, Hollis let a giddy smile creep onto her face at what the night had planned.

Remus had been entrusted with the Map earlier that day, after what had happened with Sirius a year ago. She had told all of them about Narcissa being the one to steal it, and the Black boy actually volunteered to not be in possession of the sacred parchment so it wouldn't end up in the wrong, dangerous hands again.

Her black lace up boots made a quiet rhythm down the stairs as she ran her hand along the mahogany banister, making the two boys playing chess turn their heads in her direction.

Hollis winced slightly, not because Theodore was there, but because Regulus wasn't.

No words were exchanged between the three Slytherins, they knew better than to mess with her as she slammed the silver hinged door on her way out of the common room.

Shaking off that feeling, Hollis grinned when she saw her five best friends waiting for her near the main entrance to the castle.

A few professors gave the Marauders and Lily highly suspicious looks seeing that the six of them were dressed in all black, but decided that as long as they kept everyone alive tonight, their wardrobe choice would hopefully just be some lame costume.

Instead of sneaking around.

Oops, Hollis internally said with a grin as she looked at Slughorn sigh and shake his head with amusement at the group in front of him.

"Yea, we look like we're about to go kill someone," Peter said with a chuckle as Hollis arrived. "Or rob Gringotts."

"But cooler," Sirius said confidently subconsciously running a finger along the tattoo below his thumb.

Hollis instantly grabbed Remus's hand and jumped up to give him a kiss as they started walking towards a side exit that would take them out into the starry grounds.

"I like the eyeliner, I think," Remus said, making a broad gesture at his own eyes. "It looks really pretty."

Hollis was grateful for the dark as she felt her cheeks warm up slightly, and grinned up at Remus.

"You should let me do it on you sometime," she said with a joking poke in his side. "That'd be hot."

To her surprise, Remus nodded.

"Yea, sure, as long as you don't stab my eye out."

This boy just kept giving Hollis more reasons to love him.

The group of six partly jogged partly tripped down the enormous, steep hill in the pale starlight, their laughter filling the air and making all of them feel safe and at home.

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