02 - Worlds

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Narrator pov

(Y/n) woke up the next morning to a very bright light. She felt uncomfortable in her bed as she groaned and sat up. 

'Neoom... swish.. bam'

'Cars? Why can I hear-'

"AYE KID WAKE UP!" A man said not too far from her. 

"Huh? What?" (Y/n) finally opened her eyes. The light flashed in her eyes and it took a few seconds for them to get adjusted. As her eyes steadied (Y/n) could make out a tall dark figure towering over her. 

Once (Y/n) had come to her senses she looked up at the man who had called her before. 'Who's that? Wait! HOLY SHIT!!! MR. AIZAWA?' 

Shocked (Y/n) tried to stand up, a little too fast, and hit her head on something above her. Before she could even say anything to the man she blacked out. (like a wimp)


(Y/n) woke up and immediately sat up. She looked around frantically for  Mr. Aizawa or at least she thought that was Mr. Aizawa, the man she had met before. She, searching around so much, didn't even realize where she was. 

'Huh? Where did he- wait... where am I? WAS I JUST KIDNAPPED! SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!!!! Why was I on the street? WAIT WHY DID I SEE MR. AIZAWA-'

(Y/n)'s thoughts were interrupted when she heard a door open to her left. When she turned to meet the person she realized it was indeed Mr. Aizawa.

'Did I? Did I actually shift? If I shifted that would mean this is basically a dream right?' She thought, and to make sure she pinched herself. "Ow!" she yelled. 

"Aye kid whatcha do that for?" Mr. Aizawa asked as he walked up to her... bed... since when was she on a bed?

"Oh umm... sorry I just wanted to check that this is all... real..." She replied, still a whole lot confused about what was happening. 

"Yeah well ok... Anyways I have a few questions for you. 1: Why were you on the side of the street. 2: Where are your parents. 3: Do you have anywhere I can take you back to?" Mr. Aizawa asked sternly.

"Yeah yeah I'll answer your questions in a sec but... you kinda owe me one first. 1: How and why am I here. Like in your house, is this even your house? It seems kinda fancy for you. Not saying you can't afford it because you can, you're a pro-hero and all but... come on you?" (Y/n) said kinda fast (like how Midoriya speaks sometimes) in a kinda high-pitched voice and hyperventilating. 

"Fine. You're here because I found you on the side of the road passed out. It would've kept me up all night if I left you there not knowing what would happen to you. Yes, this is my house, and no it's not too fancy! I just have something called ✨taste✨ thank you very much. Now spill." Mr. Aizawa answered a little annoyed that this teenager just insulted his house. 

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