Help is on the Way

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It may be midnight or midday. Never early. Never late. He gon' stand by what he claims. I've lived enough life to say, "Help is on the way."


Going to Paris is gonna suck. I mean, if Anarky needs his friend to not die, he can deal with it. I get his dad will probably not let him go to Paris, but. . .help your own friend out! Don't send me! I'm not fit for helping save lives! Well, I do that as a hobby but... Whatever! Ugh, it'll just be a short trip to Paris he said. It'll be fun he said. BS. I'm not gonna have a good time at all. This will be the worst week of my life. Ok, ok, Damian. Think positive. You will save a life. Yay. Someone will be happy that she isn't dead. I guess. Alright, the mission is to meet her at the bakery, ask her to hang out, and get her to come to Gotham to escape from whatever Anarky said was wrong. What a week. Let's just hope this plane ride is fast.


It's morning. I hate it already. I'm going back to sleep. No one in this earth could wake me up- Knock Knock Ugh, Maman. "Sweetie, you've been in your room all weekend. Come work at the bakery for a bit. I need to run a few errands." Whatever.

"Coming," I said lazily. I'm just gonna take my time. All of this horrific life will be over next Saturday. Looking forward to that day. I even marked it on my calendar as RIP. Just gotta get through one more week. I went downstairs, kissed Maman on the cheek and got on my apron. The bakery isn't busy today so I should just be sitting there for the whole day. I'm just gonna look at my phone. Yeah, customer. Time to put on a happy face. "Hello and welcome! What can I get for you?"

"Hmm, could I get a. . ." Ugh, just order. "A croissant?"

"Sure, what kind?"

"There is more than one kind?" This kid.

"Yes we have cherry filled, cheese, chocolate, and butter."

"Could I have one chocolate and one cheese?"

"Sure! Let me grab them."

"Hey, I'm new here and I don't know anyone. Where am I going with this?" Spit it out already. "Wanna hang out later?" Um, I don't know you.

"Yeah, why not. I'm almost dead anyway." He stared at me puzzled. "Ok, that'll be 5.66."

"2.83 cents a croissant? I think that's a little expensive." He smiled. That's a fake smile.

"Wow, surprised you calculated it that fast. Here, come closer. I wanna tell you a secret." I leaned over the counter. "You're smile is fake. Is something wrong?" He looked at me with eyes wide.

"Yeah, actually. But first, how did you know?"

"Believe me, I know a fake smile. That is what we call a model smile, my friend. Let me show you a genuine but fake smile." I smiled softly with my eyes just barely squinted. "See? Indistinguishable with a real smile. Anyways, what's wrong?"

"It's a long story. I would have to sit to tell it."

"Alright, I'm down. Ask me to lunch."

"Um, ok? Wanna go to lunch with me?"

"I would love to. Let me grab my purse." I went up to my room to grab it and Tikki was there. "Tikki, I'm going to go hang out with someone for a few hours. I don't know if they are dangerous. Could you come with me?"

"Of course, Marinette! Let's go right now!" She rushed into my purse and I giggled. Tikki is the only person or kwami I can show my real emotions to. She understands me. We rushed downstairs and he was waiting. He had already finished his croissants and was waiting by the counter. "Are you even going to be hungry? You just ate 2 croissants."

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