The Visit

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Yuki tossed her bedroom windows open and walked downstairs to the kitchen. A nice cup of tea would be perfect for this kind of night, Yuki grabbed the cup off the counter and made her way back to her bedroom. Iruka gave me so many things to look over before tomorrow, I’m sure I’ll have time for some of them. Placing the cup down on her small desk she took a seat opening one of the books Iruka had given her. She stilled quickly, grabbing the kunai on the desk, spinning in her chair to face the intruder in her room. She waited for the ANBU to say something as she held the knife ready to throw if she needed.

“Are you going to say anything?” Yuki grew annoyed as the ANBU sat in the chair next to the windows.

“You asked to see the person watching you last night and here I am.” The male voice responded, still not moving

“Would you like to tell me why you are spying on me?” Yuki said sitting back in her chair, still not putting the kunai down “Is it because I’m not trusted yet?”

“It’s not that you are not trusted, it’s that your activities must be monitored for a small amount of time.”

“I see.” That answer was not enough explanation. Yuki looked over the ANBU, she couldn’t see any features on him. He had his mask, gloves, and a cloak with a hood that even hid his hair. I wish I had more interaction with the men in this village. Maybe then I could recognize his voice.

“Is there anything I can do to gain the trust of the village faster? Can I meet with others to talk with them and …”

“No.” Kakashi responded quickly. There’s no way Yuki can talk to anyone else about this. No one else knows about it! “I’ve been assigned to you and that’s it. The only person who is judging you is me and I am reporting straight to the Hokage about you.” I hope that was enough, Kakashi felt the sweat on his forehead behind his mask. He hadn't anticipated Yuki asking so many questions.

“I assume you’re very high up in ANBU, considering your stance next to the Hokage during my meeting. Are you the captain?”

“I cannot reveal my position to you at this time.” A fast answer, Yuki thought.

“So what do you need from me?” Yuki placed the kunai on the desk and stood, her hand on her hip facing the ANBU.

She was dressed in her pajamas, her hair tied up. If I told you now, you’d probably try and kill me, Kakashi shook the idea from his head. I can’t act that fast.

“I will be visiting you as often as necessary to gain the information I need.” Kakashi was still seated, smiling at the thought of their meetings. This was the easiest way to interact with Yuki without her knowing it was him. Obviously she couldn’t get too attached to a man she would never see.

“That’s fine, I don’t mind. Whatever I can do to make this process run smoothly, I want to gain full trust with no doubts behind it.” She watched as the ANBU stood, he was very tall, but Yuki couldn’t make out his body type stupid cloak!

He moved toward the windows, turning before exiting.

“Until tomorrow then.” He tilted his head to Yuki and jumped away.

Yuki moved to the windows and watched as the ANBU moved through the night. He was fast as he hit the roof top of the building across the street. He stopped, turning to look back at where Yuki was standing.

Kakashi studied her, leaning out the window looking up at him. I can’t wait to see you again. He smiled, though Yuki couldn’t see it, as he moved further into the night.

Behind the Mask Kakashi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now