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A/N I hate when people put author notes at the start but I wrote this chapter to Rival by Ruelle, and that song just screams power and Zenevieva Gaunt

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I hate when people put author notes at the start but I wrote this chapter to Rival by Ruelle, and that song just screams power and Zenevieva Gaunt. I thought I'd recommend.

Zenevieva stormed out of the castle gates.

Behind her hundreds of her men, all apparating away.

She stalked over towards the forest where Andreas was awaiting her. At the sight of her he let out a screech, shaking his head in anticipation of feeling the wind under his wings.

Zenevieva ran her hands over his scales, brushing down his neck.

She lifted the skirts of her dress before climbing onto his back. The glinting of the daggers strapped to her thighs flashed as the fire from the other dragons around her reflected on the blades.

Andreas wings spanned out, stretched and taut.

He let out a roar, ascending into the sky, brushing past the trees and pulling some out of the ground due to the sheer power of his body.

The wind blew through Zenevieva's hair as she inhaled the cold misty air. The night had started to set once again over the horizon making the moonlight crack in fragments through the clouds.


Silence, except the beating of Andreas' wings, the wind rushing around her, the far away shrieking of the other dragons and the rushing of the blood through her veins.

Andreas and Zenevieva soared across the open country, a eerie calmness washed over her.

She was meant to do this.

Meant to fly across the open country

Meant to tame dragons

Meant to lead

That was who Zenevieva Gaunt was

And that who she would be, with or without anyone's help.

Her kingdom had risen from the ground, she'd given the people in the wizarding world a chance at revenge.

And it's all she could think about


It consumed her. From the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

Every part of her was fuelled with fire, and there was no one who could stop her.

Her silence was broken as the sound of screaming and banging sounded in the distance.

The light and flashing of the flighting came into view over the hills.

She smiled to herself in anticipation.

Tom Riddle would finally realise Zenevieva Gaunt was a force to be reckoned with and Albus Dumbledore would realise he was foolish to think she was weak, foolish to try and use her old emotions against her.

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