20. Min, Jin and Qin

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Before Min met Lee Hyunjin and got the name Min, her name was Eunyoung and the master that named her that told her it meant kindness because despite being a fierce beast she was obviously soft hearted.

Min didn't always live in Ifvnar, in fact she had a home and master who's true name she didn't know but she knew her master came from a different realm. He was kind hearted like her, always smiling and helping others albeit secretly but one day he told her he had to leave and go to a place she didn't know.

Min didn't complain, so long as he returned to take her but unfortunately decades passed and her master never returned. Instead during that time Min met a beast of her kind and they mated.

Min was quite happy and her companion made the lonely days go away but then she met Rui.

The truth was she wasn't always strong, not at all, it was her companion that fought with Rui and inevitably lost his life protecting her. So like Lee Hyunjin, Min knew how it felt to be protected within the embrace of others, within the arms of loved ones and then suddenly left alone in a place you did not know, cold and terrified.

So Min got stronger, she challenged Rui again and again and as if he was toying with her he'd injure and let her go then repeat the process. Not once did Min win against Rui and always she ended up retreating.

At some point she started avoiding Rui all together and would only ever go near his home when stealing Eneri for herself but that of course changed when Lee Hyunjin appeared, then Qin Yu.

Even if Min was a legendary beast, Rui was stronger and older, he had more experience than her. The older the legendary beast the more powerful, just like those ancient dragons in fairytales.

Min had no intentions of fighting Rui, even if it was in the name of revenge for killing her mate, she wouldn't dare anymore, not when she found out she was pregnant and not when one day a human that bore a scent very similar to her master appeared and that human was Lee Hyunjin.

It wasn't just his scent, even his black hair and black eye. Min knew instantly that he probably came from the same place her master.

But now, Rui marked Lee Hyunjin and planned to eat him, along with Qin Yu. Although Qin Yu seemed strong he was definitely no match for Rui.

Of course since the situation had deteriorated to this level Min would have to fight especially if she wants to protect her family this time.


"You called for me, father." Levi Ledris, bowed at the waist in greeting.

He was in the throne room along with his father and the captain of the knights guard.

Levi's face remained cool and calm with not even a single ripple of emotion. The lines of his face were sharp so even if he was expressionless he looked cold and uneasy to approach.

His muscle bound body was well proportioned, lean and tall. The formal attire he wore which consisted of a white military uniform with black boots and silver lapels outlined it well. He was quite attractive even with the scar on his face.

King Cyan looked at his son with his chin resting in the palm of his hands. There was no trace of fatherly love in his eyes but instead there was something akin to pride.

"I want you to postpone your trip to Ifvnar for a few weeks," he said, his voice carried through clear and strong.

Even though Levi was standing below the steps looking up to him and even though Levi was younger and inexperienced compared to himself, King Cyan felt that this particular child would soon grow to be equal with him. He was intelligent and driven. He made impressive decisions that benefitted the country greatly despite himself appearing to be cruel and cold hearted to others because of it.

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