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Sirius Orion Black died at 36 years old. A whole life to live in front of him after carrying with a sentence he didn't deserve. Spending more than half of his life without freedom; first, because of his family's believes and then, because of a crime he didn't commit.

It was fucking unfair.

I only separated from Remus to hug Harry and tell him how deeply sorry I was. The poor boy let himself cry on my shoulder and I felt terrible for him because in his short life he had already dealt with too many tragedies. Mr Wealsey informed him that Dumbledore wanted to see him at Hogwarts before letting him go back to his muggle aunt's home early tomorrow in the morning.

"Your mother wasn't in there," Harry said, wiping out his tears uselessly since he kept crying. "But Bellatrix asked us about you, she wanted to know where you were. Obviously, we didn't answer, but I heard how she told Lucius Malfoy that Circe wouldn't like that."

I swallowed hard and felt the goosebumps and chills covering me. Fuck her. I spurned every thought about my mother because she was far away from being my priority at the moment.

"Kid, why don't you take Remus to the table? He hasn't drunk anything since he arrived...I'm worried about him. Maybe you can convince him." Mrs Weasley spoke to me with the softest tone she could and with the track of the previous tears on her face.

I nodded and helped Remus to get up from the couch and sit down at the kitchen's table. He was no longer crying, but the look on his face was devastating. His hair was messy, his eyes were kinda swollen, every once in a while he sniffed and his skin was way paler, making his scars more visible. I felt terrible, absolutely terrible for him.

"Remus... please, have a little sip of water at least." I encouraged him in a whisper.

"I can't—" he le out a long sigh and passed his hands all over his face. "I simply can't."

"I can't even imagine how much you are hurting right now and I really wish things were different."

His voice broke a little bit and another tear came out of his eyes. "He is gone. Padfoot... My Padfoot is gone. He was killed by his own cousin. Bellatrix didn't even hesitate."

"Oh, Merlin," I passed my arm around his shoulders and even though he was way taller than me I made him rest his head on my shoulder, showing him my support.

I was well aware Fred was in the room too, I could feel his eyes on me every once in a while and I would be lying if I say I didn't look at him once since I set a foot on the Burrow, but right now, nothing and nobody else mattered to me more than Remus.

"I have been losing every single person I cared about. Every single one. Marlene, Peter when he joined that bastard, James, Lily...and now, him. I only have you, Tonks and Harry left." The man whispered, trying not to stutter.

"You will always have me, Remus. No matter what, you will always have me."

"I know," he said, grabbing my hand between his. "I'm not letting your mother put a single finger of hers on you. I don't care if I have to end with her myself. She's not hurting you, and I know more than one in this room agrees with me in this."

Kingsley appeared at the door and let out a long sigh, showing how tired he was.

"How's Dora?" Remus asked, standing up at full speed.

"She will stay at St. Mungo's until tomorrow."

"Hang on, Tonks was hurt?!" I panicked, standing up as well. "I need to see her."

𝖶𝖨𝖢𝖪𝖤𝖣 𝖧𝖠𝖳𝖤 | 𝖥𝖱𝖤𝖣 𝖶𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖫𝖤𝖸Where stories live. Discover now