The All-Valley Tournament

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"We're not gonna stay long," Daniel said opening the doors to the facility "we'll just check out a few matches and then we can hit the road"

"There he is" a bunch of formal-looking people greeted Daniel "the former champion in the flesh" people started clapping for them. We started to go find our seats, I grabbed Sam and pulled her to the side

"Sam I'm nervous," I told her 

"Don't be I'm sure that you will work everything out" she said with a small smile I nodded and we went to our seats.

"Welcome everyone to the 50th annual All Valley under 18 karate championship," the announcer said happily "alright let's start by welcoming all those competing today" I felt sick as we walked to our seats in the front row Cobra Kai would be able to see me very clearly. 

"Front row seats your old man still has some pull huh?" Daniel said and we all laughed I stole a piece of Anthony's popcorn 

"Hey" he whined 

Hawk's pov

"Hey Sensei where's Aella?" I asked, I had been waiting for her but she hadn't shown up, he looked at me with guilt in his eyes 

"I scared her away last night and I feel terrible about it," he said "I need to talk to her after the match, whatever happens, don't be mad at her this is entirely my fault" I nodded, I just hoped she was alright she left the party without saying goodbye I think she was upset that Miguel hit her and she had every right to be.

Aella's Pov

"WOOH TOPANGA GO KICK SOME ASS XANDER" a woman next to us yelled, Sam and I looked at each other before bursting into laughter. 

"From Reseda," the announcer said and my stomach dropped "returning to the tournament we have" 

"COBRA KAI, cobra kai, cobra kai" the cobras chanted all the way to their spots at the mat I gulped not wanting to look at any of them none of the LaRussos cheered so I didn't either Daniel gave me a nudge and a look that said everything would be fine and I offered him a weak smile. They were lined up right in front of us I was about to pass out from nerves. I reluctantly looked up and saw Hawk, Miguel, and Johnny staring at me. 

"Hey" Hawk whispered "are you alright?" he asked 

"I think so" I whispered back, he quickly ran out for the lineup and gave me a huge hug 

"I don't know what happened but whatever it was I will never be mad at you" he whispered into my ear 

"Thank you," I said giving him a soft kiss, he ran back to his spot I just wanted to stay in his arms for a while longer 

"And finally fighting unaffiliated from North Hills we have Mr.Robby Keene" I looked up to see Robby running across the mat, the LaRussos and I shared confused glances Robby gave me a small smile. 

"I didn't know he was fighting did you Aella" Amanda asked me 

"I had no idea," I told her 

"GET READY IT'S KARATE TIME" I gave Hawk a big smile and he winked, Johnny was still watching me when I met his eyes he smiled a bit but I just looked away.  

"Face me, bow" Miguel was up against some other dude first, I decided I would cheer for him because I didn't want to lose one of my closest friends 

"Go Miguel" I yelled and he smiled

"What the hell are you doing?" Sam asked 

"Getting my friends back" I replied and she nodded Miguel got into the crane stance that Daniel did all those years ago, as soon as he was able to fight he knocked the boy to the floor and won. 

"I can't believe he stole your move," Sam said to her dad next up was Robby he was able to win very easily 

"Good job Robby" I cheered, I knew Cobra Kai wanted me to pick a side but I wouldn't not yet, Aisha went and then Hawk. He kicked first and then the guy made him stumble so Hawk ran at the guy taking him out and winning. Hawk took his top off and started flexing his back tattoo after he put his shirt back on I ran up to him and he scooped me up

"So how was that," he asked planting a kiss on my nose

"pretty badass," I told him giggling, I stayed with Hawk for the next round which was bullshit Bert was fighting someone two times his size which was an unfair advantage. Long story short Bert lost. Miguel won another round and kept trying to make Sam smile but she held her grudge after a few more rounds Hawk was up against Robby. 

"You're cheering for me right?" he asked looking at me 

"Obviously," I said and kissed him on the cheek. Sam had left a while ago which was disappointing but I didn't blame her. Hawk jumped on the mat radiating confidence 

"Prepare to face the fury of the Hawk" he sneered at Robby they bowed and Hawk was smirking, Hawk was able to get the first point by punching Robby's side. 

"Remember what you learned Robby" Daniel yelled from the sidelines Robby nodded and started to find his balance Hawk rolled his eyes then they began to fight Robby kicked Hawk forward and then in the face knocking him to the ground. 

"That was a lucky point and it's going to be your last" Hawk sneered 

"Why are you leaving early to fix that stupid haircut?" Robby asked Hawk lunged forward and kicked Robby in the shoulder it made a terrible crack

"Ilegal contact you disqualified," The ref told Hawk

"Bullshit" he yelled, I had no idea what to do I didn't want to make Hawk mad but I also wanted Robby to be alright. I waited for Hawk to cool down a bit before I asked him a question 

"Why did you do that?" I asked

"Because I don't like him, I don't trust him and I don't want to lose you to him"

I pulled Hawks face so that it was facing mine "listen you are not going to lose me, I'm right here and I always will be" I gave him a small kiss 

"Good" he grinned 

"I'm just going to make sure he's alright," I told Hawk who nodded, I ran into the boy's locker room

"Hey Robby," I said sitting next to him "I'm really sorry that happened" 

"It's ok, it just hurts a lot" he groaned and I gave him a hug 

"You remembered to focus," Daniel said

"You had us up on that tree for hours" Robby laughed 

"Look, Robby, your dad and I have our issues, you and him that's another story" 

Robby looked at the floor "I'm sorry I lied to you I just want to get back in" a paramedic came in and popped his shoulder back into place. I ran back out to the bleachers. I didn't know who to cheer for so I stayed silent. Miguel got in his fighting position and made a weird barking noise this was not a fair fight and whoever scores the first point wins. Robby was fighting with one arm he went to kick Miguel but Miguel caught his leg and then kicked his shoulder dislodging it again then he kicked Robby in the stomach making him fall.

The crowd went wild Cobra Kai had won, Miguel was the champion. I ran and hugged Miguel who was grinning widely then I went back to Hawk who was super excited. 

"Who saw that coming, I know I didn't without further ado lemme present the trophy to this years new champion Miguel Diaz and the Cobra Kai dojo" the announcer yelled, I jumped up and down as Miguel took the trophy. Now all that I had to do was talk to Sensei. 

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