Dean X Reader ~Sick~

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For the last couple of days I've been feeling very clunky and tired. My nose was like a water faucet and everytime I swallowed anything it felt like little knives. Any who Dean and Sam were coming home from Nevada, that dealt with Demon's, while I stayed back to research. But half of the time I stayed in bed and did the job there.

I was just starting to fall asleep when I heard the bunker door open and then close as there boots echoed throughout the bunker. "Hey y/n where home!" Sam yelled. "Hey, babe where are you?" I tired speaking but nothing came out, great I lost my voice! I leaned over to the nightstand and found a pen and paper and got up. I wrapped myself in my tortilla blanket and headed to the kitchen. When I arrived Sam and Dean were sitting in the library so I walked over there before having a massive coughing fit. "Hey y/n!" Sam said *nothing* Dean looked up from his phone as worry washed over his face. Sam followed Dean's glare and saw me.

My hair was in a messy bun and I had on one of Dean's shirts along with some comfy shorts. Wrapped around my body was the blanket as my eyes had bags under them. I walked over to them and sat down in the chair next to Dean and started writing down what I wanted to say.

Hi guys, I lost my voice today. As you can see I look like shit and I feel like shit. I would kiss you Dean but I don't wanna make you sick. :(

I shoved the notebook in between the boys. I then leaned my head on Dean's shoulder as I closed my eyes. Sam read the words out loud and sighed. "My poor y/n" Dean said as he planted a kiss on my hot forehead. I felt Dean's body shift in the seat as I felt his cold hand touch my cheek and forehead checking for a fever. "Sammy I think she has a fever, come and feel her head." I heard Sams chair pull out as he came over and placed his big hands on my forehead and cheeks.

"Yeah, it does feel like she has a fever Dean. Y/n have you been drinking liquids?" I opened my eyes and saw both boys looking at me. So I sat up and grabbed the pen and notebook and scribbled something down.

I have but it hurts to... it feels like  swallowing knives.

I handed the notebook to the boys as they read it. I started another coughing fit again interrupting there reading. "You want water babe?" I nodded my head, so Dean got up and got me a glass of water. When he came back he handed me the glass as I drank the whole cup. "Was that good sweetheart?" "Yeah.." My voice sounded hoarse. "Mm, I'm gonna go take a nap." I slowly stood up and started to shuffle down to my room, but I felt Dean pick me up bridal style. "Dean don't I can walk." "I know but I'm gonna spoil you because your sick and I love you." I let out a grunble as he walked down to our bedroom.

I started to fall asleep in his arms as I could tell he was staring at me. "Mmm your comfy" I mumbled into Dean's chest as I felt him laugh. "I know I am babygirl and you can't justify it." "True, true." I heard him kick open the door and kick it close as he made his way into our room. I felt him gently lay me down as he wrapped a ton of blankets around my body. "Hey y/n?" "Yeah Dean?" "I'm gonna go take a shower, ok." "Ok, but come back." I mumbled. I heard him laugh as he started digging out his comfy clothes as he went into the bathroom.

About 10 minutes later I heard Dean exit the bathroom as he walked over to the bed and laid down next to me. "Your cute when your currled up in a ball." "Mmm, nap time." I heard Dean laugh as he picked me up and craddled me in his imprace. "I love you." "I love you to Dean."

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя