Seven ♡

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

It's been a few weeks since Taehyun had asked Beomgyu to rely on him for kissing instead of Soobin and since then the two have been at it. Beomgyu would come over perusal and they would kiss but never taking it further than the neck, the brown harried boy stated they would strictly keep it for 'stress relief' only but it felt more intimate. Anyone who would see them would think they were a couple except for the two.

They refused to believe they were more than just best friends.

As for Soobin and Beomgyu, the brown harried has been trying to reach him since that day at school but he's still ignoring him. Knowing how worked up Taehyun got about their relationship, the boy decided to keep it a secret from him for now. The truth was the boy was terrified,

He extremely feared losing his friendship with Soobin.

I mean he only had Soobin until Taheyun walked into his life literally. Being an only child, Beomgyu would beg his parents for a sibling when he was younger until he learned to expect it. He had to suck it up, there was no way he could complain when his single mother was working hard to make them a living even if she never had time to remember his birthday or show affection because she was too busy. He had to suck it up until Soobin came around.

Soobin's parents were work friends with his mom and they ended up meeting and being forced to spend time together. Beomgyu despised talking and he saw no need for it. His mom didn't talk much to him nor did he have any friends at school, he was also home alone all the time so he was silent for most of his childhood.

Until Soobin broke that, the bubbly boy was super caring, made him feel like he liked talking, it made him want to smile, to speak and it gave him a sense of belonging. He felt like he mattered when he hung with Soobin.

Are all their years of friendship going to fall apart now? No way. This wasn't what he wanted.

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

Soft lips pressing against each other as Taehyun flinched a bit moving his hands in the air not sure where to place them. The kiss felt needed and comfortable, the type where you get butterflies it shined blue, unlike when Soobin and Beomgyu kissed ,where they craved each other lustfully, that shined red. Pulling away slowly the brown haired cupped his checks and kissed his nose leaving smaller traces around his cheek and forehead.

"That's enough for today fairy."

The blonde haired pouted, "No neck today?" pulling him closer, "Don't leave yet."

The brown haired sighed, never being able to say no to him, tracing his hands on his backs he pulled him closer placing kisses around his neck suddenly using his teeth, he bite the other and a flinch left his mouth sounding like a moan, sucking on his neck the boy let go admiring his art.

"Since you wanted me to kiss your neck so badly I marked you."

Getting up from his bed the blonde haired boy walked to his mirror noticing the big red mark right above his collar bone, "Y-you gave me a hickey!"

Smirking before grabbing his bag the brown haired boy made his escape, "Later I have to go home earlier today!" pouting, "Beom come back!" a joke at first but then running after him down the stairs, grabbing a scarf first to cover his hickey, clinging onto his arm he whispered, "No really I'll walk you out I can't see you leave." his separation anxiety was kicking in again.

"Oh Beomgyu leaving so soon? At least take this with you." Taehyun's mom from the kitchen handed her son's best friend homemade brownies, "Share them with your mom too!" 

"I will thank you ahjumma!"

Sitting on the kitchen table eating dinner Mia, Taehyun's eight year old sister, waved goodbye at Beomgyu. "Bye Mia see you later!" he smiled. The boy was so grateful to have met Taehyun in his life, it was like he had a second home, a second family.

Walking him to the door the brown haired boy persisted Taehyun not to come outside since it was cold, slowly pulling his hand out of his arm Beomgyu said, "Don't worry I'll text you, you can let go now." smiling the blonde haired looked back at the living room to see if anyone was looking, cost was clear. He leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Okay now you can go, Bye Beom~"


The truth was Beomgyu rushed not because he had to go home but because he wanted to see Soobin. The boy knew if he wouldn't respond to his calls this was the only way, to directly see what was going on.

The doorbell rang for the fourth time as a disappointed Beomgyu was about to turn away until the door creaked open.

"Oh Beomgyu are you here for Soobin? Well we're in the middle of something so why don't you come back tomorrow kiddo." A tipsy Mr. Choi said, was he drunk? His foul alcohol breath said it all.

Scared, Beomgyu knew Mr. Choi's bad habits when he would get drunk. He would often hit Soobin. Trying to get a glimpse of the living room, Beomgyu saw it.

A bruised, crying Soobin sitting on the living room floor looking him straight in the eyes, 'You shouldn't have come' he mouthed to him enough for Beomgyu to understand.

Mr. Choi tried closing the door on Beomgyu as he let out a whimper, "N-no! Soobin-" before the door was closed shut and locked on him. He fell to the ground just wanting to just burst out into tears.

He felt like the worst friend ever.

A/N I hope you are enjoying the story so far<3
I kinda feel for Soogyu 😣
Take care🤍

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