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Anthony bit back a scoff. A love match? As if he had time to busy about finding a true love when he had his mother to care for, his title to uphold, and the rest of his siblings to find suitable spouses for. His mother was quite independent; however, he was still the man of the house and he needed to ensure that his mother never was in want of anything. His title he could care less about. It was a blessing his family had been fortunate to hold. It was not something he desired but he was not about to squander his father's hard work for his childish inclinations. And his siblings, Lord help him. Marrying them all off is going to be quite difficult, particularly Eloise, and they will need to be well matched.

With all of this and more, presently his lovely opera singer, on his plate, the last thing on his mind was finding a true love match for himself. He thought he had found that some time ago, now though, he was not so sure.

"I beg your pardon, Miss Featherington." He took a step back to fully examine her. Her delicate face turned to look at him, her thin brows lifted in confusion. "I am flattered that you think I have the time, or the effort, to procure a love match for myself." He crossed his arms and, suddenly in his new stance, seemed to tower over the auburn haired beauty. "I have seven wonderful, yet remarkably tiresome, siblings to match with seven equally worthy spouses. Once they are happily married, I will worry about myself. Happiness is not the first requirement on the list for a potential wife."

Phoebe's jaw slackened and, in the most unladylike manner, stared at the Viscount in front of her. What on Earth had she said to offend him? She had merely wished him well. She thought this promenade was to be a peace offering, agreeing to be civil with one another again, like old times. Words evaded her and she stammered like a fish out of water, opening and closing her mouth with strange noises escaping. Was he really being that daft that he would become offended by a well wishing? Surely this man is more confusing to her now than ever. "I do not -"

With a flick of his wrist, his hand was up and dismissing her words. It was her turn to scoff. "I beg your pardon, Viscount Bridgerton. I did not mean to offend you." She took a defiant step towards the fuming man. He did not dismiss her. As quiet as she was, she would be listened to.

A roll of his eyes sent her reeling. "Miss Featherington you did not offend me. I merely wanted to clarify that I would not be marrying until all of my siblings are happily matched and married. I simply do not have the time." He looked off to his left and towards the Bridgerton home. "If you excuse me, I must be going. An unwanted caller seems to have arrived."

Without a parting glance, Anthony strode briskly away towards his home. He was not quite sure what set him off. Was she insinuating that he would never be happy? Was she saying he was a sad excuse for a man? Was she suggesting one of her sisters so that her time to wed would hasten? Was he thinking into a simple well wish too much?

Anthony knew the answer but was more content to eliminate his own happiness than he was to get his hopes up too high only to be let down. He refused to let anyone hurt him again. He would be the one breaking hearts, even if that heart was his own.

Phoebe stared after the irrational man in astonishment. What just happened? Her jaw was still agape and her shoulders were slumped forward in the most disgraceful manner. Her mind was breaking down the last few moments, piece by piece.

They had been having a lovely chat. A carefree promenade with their younger siblings to ease the tension. One well-intentioned quip had sent the man into a swift downward spiral. It was almost as if he could not handle too much positivity or happiness all at once.

She knew his heart had hardened since Phineas, even more since his father, but pushing people away was not a way to handle his emotions. She wanted to comfort him, to reassure him that things would be alright. But she was humiliated in front of half the ton for wishing him well in finding a future wife. She would surely not be the one apologizing this time.

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