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It seemed that with Ron's departure, not only did he, himself leave, but he took the little light the group had with him.

Ethaline stared down at the map Dumbledore had given her, her fingers twirling it lightly as she overlooked the beautiful morning sky. She closed her eyes, feeling it gently fulfilling her before she heard a crunch behind her.

"Is it time?" Ethaline asked quietly, looking ahead at the sceneray.

"Come on," Harry said, helping her to her feet before the two of them made their way to Hermione. Ethaline let Harry's arm go making him shift uncomfortably before he remained himself that there were more pressing things in front of him. Ethaline was quick to put her hand in the middle for them to hold before they grabbed onto her.

Instantly they felt their inside churn at the apparation and were soon on their feet again, this time in Godrics hollow.

Harry wanted to see where his parents were buried and Hermione didn't have a plan, Ethaline was on the verge of a breakdown and her paranoia was starting to show. It had sparked an argument within in the group of three. They were also getting tired of being isolated. 

"We need to keep moving, we can't be playing house in the middle of nowhere."

"Where do you suppose we go hm? We have no where--" Hermione said, putting her hair in a tight pony tail.

Harry spoke up, "I want to see my parents."

With their wands out, they walked the lonely and dimly lit street towards the open cemetery. Ethaline per usual held her head high as she walked behind Harry, almost daring something or someone to jump out and ruin the moment for him. Hermione stayed back a little, looking at the symbol in a grave as Harry and Ethaline walked over to the graves marked with his last name.

Harry kneeled, grabbing the flowers Ethaline was holding before setting them on the tomb. The blonde flicked her wand, cleaning the tomb, before she kneeled next to him.

"I don't know them," Ethaline started, "I won't pretend to either but I just have this feeling...that wherever they are they are proud of you."

Harry turned to face her, a small smile on his face as his eyes watered, "You think so?"

"I know so," She said, leaning her head on his shoulder as they stared down at grave.

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