Jihyo - I Love You Part 2

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Jihyo's POV

-Flash Back-

It's really senior year. Oh, how much I am going to miss this. How much I am going to miss Y/N.. After the senior trip, I will be debuting under JYP in a group call Twice.

I would say that Y/N is pretty dense. I mean yeah I do flirt and play hard to get but I do really like Y/N.
Moon Y/N..why can't you see it?

"Park Jihyo!! Come on, let's go!!!" Y/N screamed in my ear.

"Ya! That hurts" I said while rubbing my ears.

"Well, you weren't listening. Come dummy." She said while grabbing my hand. I quickly got up with her and got off the bus. We are on our senior MT. I am going to miss this. I am going to miss Y/N. Everything came by too fast. I won't be able to see you anymore Y/N.

Since we were the last two to get off the bus we had to catch up with the others. By the time we caught up to them we were out of breath.

"Its all...your...fault Ji.." Y/N said out of breath.

"Ya! Its not my fault, you jerk.."

"Hmm, sure. Anyways, what a workout."

"Whatever. Let's go help set up the tents."

After we were done setting up the tents, everyone got assigned to either go find resources or cook for dinner. Me and Y/N got assigned to go find some sticks and wood for the bonfire. Eventually everyone started going their own way.

Me and Y/N were walking side by side in silence. It was kind of getting awkward. I wanted to talk to her but when I looked at her she looked, troubled? I want to tell her. I want to let her know. I want to let her know my feelings.


"Oh, you go first"
"Oh, you go first"

"You go first Y/N" I said after letting out a small chuckle.

"Ji, you know I never really show you my true emotions and it's really hard for me to express myself but I wanted to let you know.....before you leave...that i've been li..." Y/N got cut off by Jeongyeon as her and Nayeon walked by us.

"Hello nerds!! What cha doing?" Jeongyeon said while headlocking me and Y/N.

"Ya let them go, Jeong. I think they were having a serious talk." Nayeon said while slapping Jeongyeon's arm.

"Oooo, were ya about to confess something??" Jeongyeon looked at me and Y/N while smirking.

"What..No!!" Both me and Y/N screamed.

"Yeah whatever. Bye love birds!!! LOVE IS IN THE AIR TONIGHT!!!!" Jeongyeon screamed and ran away with Nayeon.

"GOOD LUCK!!! FIGHTING!!" Nayeon also screamed while running away with Jeongyeon.

"Pft....what!! No. Me confessing?? Us confessing?? Pshh never that. Hahahaha......" Y/N said nervously.

"Y/N, what were you about to say before Jeong cut you off though?" I seriously asked her.

"I was going to say...that I am going to miss you when you leave. Yeah.....that's what I wanted to say.." I was slightly disappointed because what Jeongyeon said got me a little excited.


"What about you? What did you want to say?" Y/N asked.

"Oh..um..Y/N I'm going to miss you too. Hopefully we can meet up often." Lies. Lies. Why am I lying to her? Why am I lying to myself? God...Jihyo do something or you're going to regret it!

"Y/N! Um, hypothetically, if you don't have anyone in like 10 years...and I mean romantically...do you think we can be something?" What the heck did you just say Park Jihyo!!!

"Oh..um..do you..like me Ji.." She asked me.

"WHAT?! Pshhh noo!!! I'm just asking because I..I dont want you to grow old and lonely.....because you're my...best friend.." I said in full sadness. I messed it up. Why did I lie again?

"Oh....um sure Ji. I mean...you're my best friend..and will forever only be my best friend..haha" Why did she also sound hurt and disappointed? No Ji, it's not that way. She doesn't like you and now she'll never know that you like her..

-End of Flash Back-


"Do you remember the senior trip?" Jihyo asked me.

"Yeah. What about it?" Is she about to ask me about that?

"Do you remember...what I said...at the senior trip?" She asked hesitantly.

"Oh yeah. Haha. I'm pretty sure you were just messing with me back then. It's cool." I tried to reply cooly.

"Oh...it was just a joke to you?" She asked in disappointment.

"I mean you weren't serious right, Ji?" Maybe I do have a chance?

"No, Y/N. It was all just this big joke that I wanted to pull on you." She said in a hurt tone while gathering her things and getting up to leave.

"Wait, Ji!" I hurriedly got up and went after her.

"Ji, wait!" I finally caught up to her and grabbed her wrist and pulled her to face me.

"Ji...why are you crying? What's wrong? Was it what I said? Did I say something wrong?"

"Cause it wasn't a joke to me! I meant it! I love you! I've loved you for over 10 years! It's so hard!!! You only see me as a friend and nothing more than that!!! It's so hard, Y/N!!! Why can't I get over you??? 10 fucking years, oh my god!!" She screamed at me and kept trying to push me away.

"Ji, STOP!" I said and pulled her to my chest and covered her face because people were starting to stare at us and I don't want anyone to recognize her.

"Ji...I only said that because I didn't think you were being serious. I love you, Jihyo. Ever since we were kids." I said sincerely and truthfully.

"You..you do?" She sniffled and tried to stop crying.

"Yes. I was going to confess that day but I freaked out. I was scared. Scared of losing you. Scared of ending our friendship. You mean the whole world to me and I couldn't risk our friendship because of my feelings. But now that I know about your feelings. I am never going to let you go again. I'll keep you in my arms forever. I'll show you how much love i've been wanting to give you for over 10 years." I said and slowly leaned in and kissed her soft sweet lips.

"That...that..was my first kiss." She shyly said while blushing.

"Me too."

"Are we together now then?"

"Today is our first day, Park Jihyo."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

-The end-

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