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edited 5-2-21

I kept blinking. Trying to see through the heaviness of the smoke burning my eyes in attempt to do so and darkness surrounding me. My heart quickens as I realize I'm not home. I'm not near anyone.

I'm isolated.

In a tiny box where no one can see me but in the distance was a shadow.

Walking around me looking at me like a predator eyeing its prey. It stared at me eyes drained of life as the eyes turned red from weeping. blinking my eyes harder as I begun to take in its appearance, from the purple veil over its face with the black hat on top of Its head being dragged on the floor.

Then suddenly she screamed.

I winced from the scream making me feel dizzy just from the impact of it directly.

So loud.

Yet so silently?

It looked like it stood 10 feet away from me but the scream felt right as if it were coming from my own mouth consuming me whole.

My ears pierced from the loud noises as my hands immediately went up to cover them

"Who are you" I cried out wanting the scream to stop as it began to mimic me

"What do you want." We begged at the same time as I watched words come from its mouth but so did the scream.

I slumped my body against the clear walls of my box using it for supported before it disappeared in thin air making me fall back almost immediately. I watched as it walked closer to me leaving a trail of metallic blood behind it until it came so close i could feel its breath on my face

That's when i saw. She lifted up the purple veil. It was me? I was the woman screaming with blood on her hands and at the end of its veil like a paint paint brush on an empty canvas

I was the one screaming

"Gianna. Wake up" I heard as my body shook gasping air as if I had been deprived of it looking around the room harshly then feeling comfort as Sebastien stood over me

"Are you ok"He asked looking concerned as i let a deep breath before looking at his hands which held a tray filled with food

"Im fine" I said but not convincing him. I mean hell, i couldn't even convince myself

"Happy 1 year anniversary" He smiled setting the plate on the fluffy white covers as i pressed my lips together

"Bullshit, it hasnt been one year. Today is"

"January 21st"We spoke at the same time

"Oh my gosh, Sebastien we didn't even celebrate our first Christmas together. I didnt even call my moms or my brother or my sister." I exclaimed in realization that i had let time slip past my fingers without even realizing it. What the fuck was i doing? "It's ok gianna, I'm sure your moms and siblings wont mind. Your still alive, so are they. Forgetting Christmas wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." He assured me before handing me a dahlia "They don't smell like anything, but its a pretty nice gesture." He said shrugging before i hugged him "Thank you. I love it all" I mumbled in his ear kissing his head before sitting down

"No actual kiss?" He said pouting before i held my hand up to my mouth "After i brush my teeth"

It wasn't long until we finished eating and were able to freshen up for the day, i sat on the bed typing my shoes before looking up to Sebastien staring at me. "I'm going to ask you this and then I'm never going to ask you again. Do you want to serve as my Donna in the mafia. You don't have to answer right away but I'm asking you right here right now. Giving you a one ticket to run, do you want to stay and began to serve."

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