Episode one of "A Beetle crawling on a Leaf"

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I will probably make this into a short series inside "Darkrain TV"

Set in Pantala, two thousand years before Clearsight. That means two thousand years before the SilkWings and HiveWings.

The only tribes in Pantala were LeafWings and BeetleWings

To be a flamesilk, you do not have to be related to a flamesilk, being related to one just increases the chances by a small percentage

BeetleWings have flamesilk (Like their descendants, the SilkWIngs) and they could shoot a poisonous venom from their teeth (Like RainWings) and they had antennae. And didn't grow their wings until  they were six.

Ant growled at the older BeetleWing, this was his prey, not theirs.
He found this reading monkey, therefore it was his.
But he would never be able to overpower Cockroach, he was too weak to do that.

Cockroach grabbed the reading monkey and walked away.

Ant couldn't wait until he had his wings, he could fly away whenever Cockroach annoyed him.

Even though his metamorphosis was tomorrow, it felt like a year away.
Running away from Cockroach wasn't the only reason he couldn't wait for his wings, he wanted his wings so he could see the sky.

But the biggest reason, was that he wanted to impress a certain LeafWing.

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