Part 11

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out of the darkness, out from the shadows shifting depths a face appeared, but a face unlike any face you had seen before, more monster then man, it loomed over yaz who's eyes remained tightly shut, glowing red eyes stayed focused on you, and its face wolf like in appearance seemed strange attached to the humanoid body below.

Then before you could speak or pull your weapon out to defend yaz, the doctor was standing in front of you, her long coat billowing around her, the wind whipping her hair about her face, her usually soft eyes as cold as diamonds as she regarded the wolfman with a coldness that made you involuntarily shiver.

"I suggest you get away from my friend" she stated
The creature looked blankly at her but you could tell behind those inhuman eyes a terrible intelligence lurked.
Your heart pounding in your chest, adrenaline shooting through your veins, you unsheathed your sword in one fluid motion and was about to strike at the creature looming above yaz but before you could react the doctor had flung something near it, there was a loud bang and smoke suddenly surrounded you, the creature that had been about to attack Yaz jumped backwards, and in that moment of confusion the doctor grabbed Yaz's hand, and then yours, her fingers interlacing with yours, as she told you all to run towards the trees that were just a few feet away from where you where standing, graham and Ryan were close behind, and you ran til your lungs burned, and your breath came in shallow gasps.
You didn't stop until you came to a river, you could hear the creatures behind you, you wanted to turn back and fight but you didn't want to be the cause of another death so you held onto the doctors hand, only stopping when you reached a ship, huge white sails soared above you all to the heavens, and the knights emblem was painted across them, a Red Cross which stood out against the white, pointing towards it you signalled the others to come over, and you all climbed into the boat, and without a thought you cut the rope that held the ship to shore, the creature that had ambushed yaz had torn through her clothing and beneath the shredded garments you could see scratch marks.
Beside you and the doctor, Alana had a huge gash running along the length of her arm, but her sword was blood covered too, so she must have taken some of them out, Tessa and Kira sat on the other side of the deck comforting each other. You could still make out the creatures rushing towards you, and
You feared that they would leap onto the ship you were on but as you drifted further and further and away from land, they appeared fearful of approaching the water, one attempted to put a hand or foot in the cold depths but immediately withdrew it as if scolded by the flowing waves, the rest ran from it, sheathing your sword back into its hilt you let go of the breath you hadn't even realised you were holding, you could see the doctors worried expression when she looked at yaz, turning to her you ran gentle fingertips through her hair and gave her a reassuring smile, the doctor squeezed your arm and smiled warmly back, then her expression changed in the blink of an eye, and she looked puzzled now, you could hear her mind ticking over, "I've never encountered creatures like that before" she stated and I've seen everything "or I thought I had, but now we know they have a weakness, the only things we don't know is what they are and what they want...but one thing I'm certain of is that I am going to find out."

When Darkness falls (13th doctor x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now